Legislation Library

Resolutions and motions passed by the AZA & BBG Executive Body.

Our Democracy at Work

Welcome to the AZA & BBG Legislation Library! This platform is a place for you to explore legislation passed at International Executive Conferences written by Alephs and BBGs from around the world.

Any teen around the world can be a part of our global democracy by submitting legislation for a future business meeting. Putting a motion or resolution on the floor is a great way to have your voice heard as a member and shape our movement in meaningful ways.

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Zero Folds for BBG International Elections

BBG's running for any position on International Board will no longer be able to fold their platforms effective at AZABBGIC2016 during the election of the 72nd BBG Board.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 11, 2016

International Board:



Friends and Alumni Network Online Roster of Notable Alumni

Motion to build an online roster for BBYO alumni to highlight their experiences and professionals that current Alephs and BBGs will have access to view and use to identify potential guest speakers for local programs.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



BBYO's 'Working' Philosophy on Israel Education and Israel Exploration

BBYO infuses meaningful and engaging programming to give teens of all backgrounds the opportunity to form a personal relationship with Israel. BBYO has an unwavering commitment to the State of Israel, and is building a thriving Jewish future that shares a commitment to the Jewish homeland forever.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Petition Supporting Moment of Silence to Remember Munich Massacre at Rio 2016

Motion to sign a petition advocating for a moment of silence for the Munich 11 at the Opening Ceremonies of the Rio Olympic Games in 2016.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Amend the Constitution of the Grand Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph to be More Gender Inclusive and Pluralistic

Motion to Amend the AZA constitution with the statement that any use of gender or the term Jewish encompasses anyone who identifies as Jewish and male.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Welcome Denmark, Finland, Hungary and Moldova in the BBYO Community

We proudly welcome Denmark, Finland, Hungary and Moldova into the BBYO family as official global affiliates.

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Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Celebrating the Partnership Agreement Between Maccabi World Union and BBYO

Recognizing that BBYO and Maccabi World Union signed a Memorandum of Understanding in June 2015 to establish an official partnership.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



AZA and BBG's First Phase Response to Global Climate Change

First step toward becoming a more environmentally conscious movement.

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Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Taste of BBYO - A Global Cookbook Initiative

Work to provide programming modules to chapters, councils, regions and countries to connect AZA and BBG membership with this project and share complete cookbook at IC 2016.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Launch Process to Lobby State Governments to Legally Mandate Genocide Education in Schools

Motion to launch a long-term effort toward achieving the ultimate goal of requiring public elementary school and public high school curriculum to include a unit of instruction studying genocides around the world.

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Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Launching AZA BBG Global Shabbat 2015/5776 - A Shabbat to Remember

Motion to launch AZA BBG Global Shabbat - A Shabbat to Remember - event fall 2015, that engages with Holocaust survivors.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Updating the Role of the Mekesher/Mekesheret

Motion to define the position of Mekesher/Mekesheret as person who will serve as teh primary mentor for a chapter's AIT or MIT class from introduction through joining.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Recognizing the Partnership with The White House's It's On Us Campaign and BBYO

Recognizing the new partnership with NO MORE and It's On Us as Alephs and B'nai B'rith Girls standing up to say "enough" to domestic violence and sexual assault.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Celebrating BBYO Bulgaria, Canada and United Kingdom & Ireland Anniversaries

All members to commemorate and celebrate the 20th anniversary of BBYO Bulgaria, 90th anniversary of BBYO Canada, 75th anniversary of BBYO United Kingdom & Ireland.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

August 7, 2015

International Board:



Expressing Our Solidarity with France, Ukraine, and Israel

BBYO reaffirms our disapproval of anti-Semitism around the world, expressing our solidarity with France, Ukraine, and Israel during their times of terror and anti-Semitism.

Access Legislation

Date Passed:

February 12, 2015

International Board:
