Since 1924, we open and close our meetings the same way, recite the same words during inductions, and sing spirit songs that have stood the test of time. These moments enhance the brotherhood and sisterhood in our chapters and are what make our Movement so special.
There are important dates to keep in mind when prioritizing Israel programming and experiences. Israel programming and community opportunities happen regularly on BBYO On Demand through the Explore Israel Committee and partner organizations.
April 22, 2023
The birthday of AZA is April 22, 1944! Chapters honor the founding of BBG with celebrations, traditions, reuniting with alumni, and more.
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April 26, 2023
A day of Movement pride where members wear AZA, BBG, and BBYO swag.
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May 3, 2024
The birthday of AZA is May 3, 1924! Chapters honor the founding of AZA with celebrations, traditions, reuniting with alumni, and more.
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By keeping our traditions alive, you may be eligible for several highly esteemed AZA and BBG International Awards.
Explore International AwardsWant to keep learning? Explore more in the Toolbox!
Aprende la letra de las canciones de AZA para enseñarlas con confianza en eventos y convenciones. Estas canciones también se encuentran en el AZA Blue Book (Manual de membresía).
Learn the "Friends, Friends, Friends" cheer for your next spirit circle.
Learn the lyrics to AZA and BBG's pep songs to lead with confidence at meetings and conventions. The songs can also be found in the Red and Blue Books.
Access design files for the official seal of the Aleph Zadik Aleph for your community's branding.
Learn how to build brotherhood or sisterhood in your chapter and create a culture of praise and celebration by facilitating Good and Welfare sessions at the end of meetings and programs.
Officially welcome a Gamechanger Guest to BBYO during your Global Shabbat event.
Give this Bid Card to a prospective member to help you make the ‘ask’ to join BBG or attend Inductions.
Understand why we run Movement Initiatives and how it ties to our year-round MRIHA strategy.