Ritual & Tradition

Together as one, forever united as one crew

Since 1924, we open and close our meetings the same way, recite the same words during inductions, and sing spirit songs that have stood the test of time. These moments enhance the brotherhood and sisterhood in our chapters and are what make our Movement so special.

Get Started

Our ritual moments are what make us feel like a movement. You can enter a room in San Francisco or Buenos Aires and expect to hear the same words to open or close a meeting. It's important that every Aleph and BBG learns how to open a meeting, lead a good-and-welfare, give life, and sing our spirit songs. These rituals have been kept alive for almost a century. It's on every generation to teach the next what these moments look and feel like.

The Spirit of AZA and BBG

At conventions, summer programs, chapter overnights, and more, you'll often hear the pep-songs of our Orders. These spirit songs ignite the brotherhood and sisterhood between Alephs and BBGs. Learn the lyrics, sing loudly, and have a lot of fun!

Heads up: you may lose your voice for a few days after one of our spirit circles. 😊

The Spirit of AZAThe Spirit of BBG

Spirit of AZA

Up You Men

Spirit of BBG

Identity, Identity

Spirit of BBG

We Pledge to Thee

Spirit of BBG

BBG Pep Song

Spirit of AZA and BBG

This Is Our Movement

Opening and Closing Rituals

At the beginning or end of every AZA and BBG business gathering, the board will lead opening or closing rituals. These rituals are part of formal meetings and business, including elections or executive meetings. These rituals remind us of the purpose of our meeting, and ultimately, why we participate in AZA and BBG. Be sure to always have a copy on hand. AZA and BBG opening rituals are also in the Blue and Red Books, our official membership manuals.

AZA Opening and Closing RitualsBBG Opening and Closing RitualsBBYO Opening and Closing Rituals


Installations is a ceremony that takes place to formally acknowledge and celebrate the incoming and outgoing boards on the Chapter, Regional, or International levels of BBYO.

Installations Script


Toward the end of each semester/season, chapters will hold inductions ceremonies to officially welcome Alephs-In-Training (AITs) and Members-In-Training (MITs) into AZA and BBG. Inductions are a beautiful and memorable moment for every one of our members as it marks the beginning of their lifelong journey in BBYO. Inductions happen at every level of AZA and BBG.

AZA Inductions ScriptBBG Inductions Script

Life Ceremonies

At the end of your AZA or BBG high school experience, you'll have the opportunity to pass on your wisdom to the next generation and thank those who made your experience so special. Graduation isn't goodbye. You'll always be recognized as a Lifetime Member of BBYO, and we'll welcome you to participate in alumni opportunities to support, advise, and staff BBYO programs.

About Life CeremoniesLifetime Membership Certificates

A Century of History

Believe it or not, our Movement has existed for nearly 100 years. AZA was founded May 3, 1924 and BBG was founded April 22, 1944. The history and the traditions we've kept alive are what make BBYO so special.

Explore an interactive timeline of our history in the link below or read through the AZA and BBG membership manuals for a more in-depth experience.

Explore Our History

The Blue Book

The Membership Manual of the Aleph Zadik Aleph


The Red Book

The Membership Manual of the B'nai B'rith Girls


Plan Ahead

There are important dates to keep in mind when prioritizing Israel programming and experiences. Israel programming and community opportunities happen regularly on BBYO On Demand through the Explore Israel Committee and partner organizations.

Explore the Calendar


BBG Founders' Day

April 22, 2023

The birthday of AZA is April 22, 1944! Chapters honor the founding of BBG with celebrations, traditions, reuniting with alumni, and more.

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Letters Day

April 26, 2023

A day of Movement pride where members wear AZA, BBG, and BBYO swag.

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AZA Founders' Day (BBYO's 100th Birthday!)

May 3, 2024

The birthday of AZA is May 3, 1924! Chapters honor the founding of AZA with celebrations, traditions, reuniting with alumni, and more.

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Celebrate Wins  🎉

By keeping our traditions alive, you may be eligible for several highly esteemed AZA and BBG International Awards.

Explore International Awards

Featured Ritual Tools

Want to keep learning? Explore more in the Toolbox!


Good and Welfare Guidelines

Learn how to build brotherhood or sisterhood in your chapter and create a culture of praise and celebration by facilitating Good and Welfare sessions at the end of meetings and programs.



States Ceremony

Use this script when putting together your States Ceremony at any level of AZA and BBG. A States Ceremony is an opportunity for the Godol and/or N'siah to share wins and visions for the future about their community.



Inductions Ceremony of the B'nai B'rith Girls

Use this guide to induct Members-in-Training (MITs) or new members into BBG.



Spirit of AZA: Tomorrow and Today

Learn the "Tomorrow and Today" cheer for your next spirit circle.



AZA & BBG History Timeline

Use this timeline to understand the development of AZA & BBG into what they are today.



Elections Script

Utilize this script anytime you’re running elections.



Planning AZA, BBG, or BBYO Separates

Use these three steps to plan a meaningful separates experience.



Running Virtual Life Ceremonies

Planning guide for running Regional/Council and Chapter Life Ceremonies online, during COVID-19.



Movement Initiatives Cheat Sheet

Understand why we run Movement Initiatives and how it ties to our year-round MRIHA strategy.
