100 Days

January 14, 2024
Emma Gornstein

Ardsley, New York, USA

Class of 2025

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In the shadows of a hundred days gone by,

Hearts entwined with a collective sigh.

A silent plea echoes in the air,

Longing for freedom from the weight they bear.

Time marches on, a relentless stream,

Yet hope persists, like a persistent dream.

In the tear-streaked nights and all the candles lit,

our hearts yearn for brighter days.

Whispers of fear in the starry night,

Carried on the breeze, a fragile kite.

For every moment in captivity's embrace,

Yearning for release, a timeless grace.

The stars bear witness to the silent cries,

As prayers ascend to the infinite skies.

In the tapestry woven with threads of grace,

A hundred days, a sacred space.

In the dance of shadows and the morning come,

Echoes of resilience, courage anew.

May the sun rise on a horizon untold,

A hundred days of waiting, we will wait for you.

Emma is a BBG living in Ardsley NY she loves baking!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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