5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Joining BBYO

October 21, 2024
Alexis Rovner

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2026

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BBYO is an exciting and educational journey full of opportunities to grow, develop lifelong friendships and family, and embrace your Jewish identity with other Jewish teenagers. When I joined the summer before eighth grade, I had no idea how impactful this organization would be. Here are five key lessons that I’ve learned throughout my BBYO journey thus far that I wish I had known before joining: 

1. Don’t Join a Chapter Just to Follow Your Friends

When I first joined BBYO, I immediately registered for the chapter where most of my friends were, either because they had older siblings in the chapter or simply because they were following the group. I quickly realized, however, that you do not need to go in with a solid friend group to enjoy your experience and find meaning in it. BBYO is about finding a place where you can be yourself and thrive. It becomes your true heart and home. Even the chapter you might not expect could be your true heart and home as you surround yourself with new friends and others who share your passions. It is always more important to join the chapter you think you will thrive in, not the one your friends are joining. 

2. Stay Active

One of the biggest mistakes I made early in my BBYO journey was not getting involved immediately. It is easy, especially as a younger chapter member, to sit back and observe what is going on in the chapter, especially in the region. However, it is important to remember that BBYO is what you make of it. The more time and effort you put into BBYO, the more you will get out of it. 

3. Embrace Every Opportunity

BBYO is an outlet for teenagers to become leaders while taking every opportunity to grow. I wish I had embraced more of these opportunities, including leading committees for smaller events or running for a chapter board position sooner. Every leadership opportunity a teenager holds in BBYO teaches important skills you will carry with you for the rest of your life. 

4. Don’t Be Discouraged if You Lose Your First Election

One of the most important lessons I have learned from my time in BBYO is that losing the first election you run in does not shape who you are as a member of BBYO. When I lost my first chapter election at the end of eighth grade, I was devastated and distanced myself from all things BBYO for almost an entire term. However, I understand that BBYO is a world full of second chances, and just because you do not accomplish your goal the first time does not mean that you will never have a chance to be a leader. Use the loss as a learning experience, stay involved, and try again in a later term/year. Some of the most impactful and strongest leaders in BBYO are the ones who took the initial loss and used it to grow and kept pushing forward.

5. Most Importantly, HAVE FUN!

BBYO is about creating memorable experiences and finding the people who will support you and become your forever family and lifelong friends. Cherish every moment in BBYO and enjoy every aspect of the journey. It is the fun and team-building experiences that will bring out the true spirit of BBYO and develop the deep bonds that will last forever.

Alexis Rovner is a BBG in South Jersey Region who is passionate about reading, writing, dancing, volunteering, and actively participating in BBYO!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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