As the spring term approaches, there are so many new faces within BBYO which is such a remarkable thing. BBYO, being one of the largest Jewish youth organizations in the world, is a happy place and safe space for so many. As each and every prospect finds their way, there are a few key things to keep in mind, not only when joining, but through your entire experience. Here’s my top 5 things to know when joining BBYO!
As you are new to this, you are not expected to know a ton about what this group exactly is. But along the way, you will learn so much about it and end up gaining so much from it. You should know that BBYO happens to be one of the largest Jewish youth organizations in the world. It creates an area for Jewish teens to bond, engage with the community, and build leadership skills, all while connecting with their religion.
BBYO offers so much that help in creating unforgettable memories with those around you. Becoming more than just a general member has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. You can start small if you choose, and become a chapter board chair, or join a committee if possible. Running for board is a great way to lead your chapter and discover your passion within BBYO. Meeting new people is the very best thing about this organization. Going on CLTC, I gained so many leadership skills and met so many new international friends and cannot wait to reunite with them in 2 weeks! Don’t be afraid to try new things and put yourself out there!
Finding your place in BBYO is the most important thing. You should feel overjoyed and comfortable when surrounded by the people in your chapter. If joining with other people you know, don’t join a chapter simply because they want to. Join the chapter that you feel matches you best. You want to feel at home, and growth within your chapter.
Don’t rush along your BBYO journey - make the most of it! You only have 5 or less years in this organization, which can go by in the blink of an eye! It can take time to find the right place and path for you. Don’t let anyone get in the way of that and stay true to yourself. Discover what you love and are passionate about!
Everyone has their own special experience within BBYO. Don’t let others around you try to dictate yours and remember that you have so much potential and uniqueness to offer. You are able to navigate and find your way to something that makes you feel good! Step out of your comfort zone and you’ll be set to have a rewarding journey!
Drew Spivack is a BBG from the South Jersey Region and loves promotion, bonding, shopping, and the beach!
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.