A Love Letter To My Year As Chapter Maz

June 27, 2024
Shira Preis

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Class of 2025

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Dear Chapter Maz,

I had the best time getting to serve in this role. Getting to go behind the scenes of my amazing chapter. My being on board was truly incredible. In the spirit of BBYO, I have decided to do my top 10 reasons I loved being chapter Maz!

10. Getting to make super fun flyers for all of the events

I loved getting to work on my Canva skills through this role. It was always fun designing new eye-catching posters to ensure everyone came to our events.

9. Getting to know my regional counterparts

Being on chapter board allowed me to get to know everyone in GAR better and I loved all of my regional copos and the bonds I formed with them.

8. Making super fun emails to send out

While sometimes stressful, I loved getting to redesign the Shorashim Scoop, an ice cream-themed email in our classic red and black color scheme. I loved making trivia questions for Hamler Has A Question and getting to show off to the parents how awesome our chapter is.

7. Being the hype man in the GroupMe

Whenever there was an upcoming event I got to be the one to encourage everyone to sign up and I just had a great time coming up with new announcements for the Groupme.

6. Meeting new members of the chapter first

I got to go to our eighth-grade events to take pictures and getting to connect with new chapter members was so much fun. (I can’t wait to get to know these girls next year as Morah!)

5. Getting to know the girls on 22/23

Of course, being Maz would mean nothing without the whole group of girls who supported me. I loved serving on these boards and getting to know these girls better.

4. Working with the Safo to come up with fun ideas to promote

Shoutout to Mia for always being there. Mazfo truly is the best board duo (forget about N’sig)! I loved getting to have someone who was always there supporting me and we worked so well together.

3. Getting to make super funny instagram stories to promote events

I got a lot of silly photos of both board members and general members to create fun story posts to get people to come to events. Even if no one else did, I always giggled over these stories.

2. Having my camera roll full of pictures of friends all smiling at BBYO

While it certainly took up a lot of storage, I loved holding on to chapter memories. Seeing all of my friends’ smiling faces was the motivation I needed to keep coming back to BBYO!

1. Getting to meet and bond with everyone in the chapter.

A big part of Maz is communication. Through this, I learned so much about the girls in my chapter and I could not be more grateful!

Submitted with undying love for chapter Maz,

Shira Preis

Shira Preis is a BBG who lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and she loves to dance and write in her free time.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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