A Recap of BBYO Uganda's Jewish Cultural Event

September 12, 2024

We just concluded an incredible Jewish Cultural Event held from August 22 to August 25, 2024, at Hadassah Primary School in the Abayudaya Community in Mbale, Uganda! The event was all about engaging teens in learning about Jewish culture, traditions, and values. With over 200 participants from various regions, we created a vibrant atmosphere of shared learning and friendship.

Our primary goals were to educate participants about Jewish culture and identity, strengthen community ties among Jewish teens, provide a platform for teens to express their creativity and explore their heritage, and encourage youth leadership.

Here's what we did:

  • Orientation and Introductions: Participants were warmly welcomed, and the program was outlined to set the tone for collaboration and learning.
  • Workshops: Topics included Jewish history, music, arts, and cooking traditional dishes. Facilitators encouraged interactive participation, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Cultural Presentations: Teens shared stories from their families, showcasing the richness and diversity of Jewish traditions.
  • Community Building Activities: Group discussions promoted interaction and friendship, emphasizing the importance of unity.
  • Culminating Celebration: The event concluded with a multicultural meal, allowing teens to showcase their newly acquired skills and celebrate their heritage together.
  • World Jewry: The teens met with teens from Israel on Zoom and shared their cultures, traditions, and connections.

Here’s what some of our participants had to say:

“Hi, I’m David, and I am 17 years old. I attended a Jewish cultural event at Hadassah Primary School. There were many exciting things to see, and I watched traditional dances and listened to music from our culture. I also learned about our history and important customs. I met other young people like me, and we talked about our experiences. The event helped me understand who I am and where I come from.”

“I’m Eliana, and I am 18 years old. I participated in a Jewish cultural event last weekend. There were many interesting activities, like challah making, which I had never done before. I also met some friends from school and made new friends. I think events like this are important. They help us learn about our culture and keep our traditions alive. It feels good to connect with others who share the same religion.”

“My name is Chaim. I attended a Jewish cultural event at Hadassah Primary School in Mbale recently. The event was filled with delicious food, lively music, and fun games. I especially enjoyed the food because it reminded me of my family’s traditions. I had the chance to speak with older community members who shared their stories and knowledge about our culture. I believe that events like this are important for our generation. They help us learn more about our heritage and connect with our roots.”

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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