BBYO Summer Programs Make Everything More Enjoyable

March 26, 2024
Stella Muzin

Rockville, Maryland, United States

Class of 2025

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BBYO offers all different types of experiences, whether they be local, travel, or camp programming, they are all meaningful and fun experiences. But, out of all the different aspects of BBYO, summer programs aren’t only fun, but they also enhance all the other experiences. 

Take local experiences, for instance. When I first joined my region, I struggled to meet people as I felt like everyone else went to school or camp together, and I was an outsider. I had friends, but I didn’t have the shared experiences they all seemed to have. That was until I went on CLTC. CLTC is often viewed as an environment for teens to learn and make friends from far away, but you can also make friends right in your own backyard. My time at CLTC introduced me to not only friends from far away but also members of my own regional community whom I had never met before. Having these friends helped enhance my regional experience and made BBYO more fun for me as a whole. 

The biggest event that going on a summer program will make more enjoyable is International Convention. IC, with upwards of 3000 teens, can be a stressful environment for some. Although it is an amazing experience, there are parts that are difficult, one of which is trying to meet new people in such a lively environment. In my experience at my first IC in 2022, I closed myself off from new friends for the first day because of my anxiety and cheated myself out of so many friendships. Like many others, I got more comfortable as the convention went on, but I wish I had been able to feel comfortable from the start. 

Having summer program friends not only gives you people to hang around with before you are fully comfortable but also gives you something to look forward to before the convention begins. Having my CLTC friends at IC 2023 made me feel more comfortable and helped me stay completely anxiety-free the entire convention. Without these friends, I might have cheated myself out of a day or more of fun. 

Summer programs don’t only provide you with strong peer relationships, but also relationships with staff. After attending CLTC, I became more comfortable as I knew so many staff members and felt confident that they were watching out for me and the 3000 other teens. 

Summer programs aren’t just another camp experience; they will truly amplify your life and your BBYO experience in particular. If you're looking for a way to become a part of the wider BBYO community and find teens who you connect with, go on a summer program! I promise you’ll enjoy it. 

Stella Muzin is a BBG from DC and loves BBYO!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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