Beyond MIT Pickup: Connecting & Bonding with Litzor BBG

March 7, 2024
Rachel Caplovitz

Austin, Texas, United States

Class of 2027

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I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend MIT Pickup as part of my chapter's spring term board. This experience not only introduced me to a vibrant community of incoming freshmen but also broadened my horizons and helped me create new connections within my chapter.

From the moment I walked into the room to help set up, I could feel the energy in the air. The atmosphere was electric, filled with excitement, chapter spirit, and anticipation for the day ahead. As a new board member who had never experienced MIT Pick Up from the other side of the door and not as a newcomer, I was initially a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect. However, I knew that it was up to me to take away any nerves and provide a welcoming and exciting environment. 

The day kicked off with an icebreaker after welcoming each MIT into our chapter. This immediately helped break the ice and foster connections among us. Through fun games and engaging conversations, I found myself bonding with individuals, each with their own unique stories and backgrounds. One of my personal highlights of the event was creating bracelets, enjoying snow cones from Kona Ice, and jamming to music while getting to know each other.

In conclusion, my experience at MIT Pickup was filled with excitement and a lot of fun. It was a day filled with laughter, learning, and meaningful connections. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a vibrant and inclusive community, and I look forward to continuing my journey with BBYO as I grow and evolve as a leader and as an individual. To the Litzor MITs - welcome to the chapter; I can’t wait to continue getting to know you!

Rachel is a BBG from Litzor BBG #433 in Lonestar Region.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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