From Sydney, Australia to Pennsylvania, America: My Unforgettable Summer at ILTC 2024

July 26, 2024
Devan Bloch

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Class of 2025

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This holiday, I escaped the cold at home and embarked on an incredible journey from Sydney, Australia, to Perlman Camp at Lake Como in Pennsylvania for the BBYO International Leadership Training Conference (ILTC) summer program, which I now call my forever home. Traveling halfway across the world on my own was both exciting and nerve-wracking, but what awaited me at camp was beyond my wildest expectations.

ILTC brought together 270 teens, with 40 of us coming from outside the United States, representing 18 different countries. The diversity was astonishing, and the friendships I made are ones I'll cherish forever.

We dove deep into the core values of BBYO, learning about the traditions and rituals that define our movement. Each day was packed with activities designed to enhance our leadership skills as Jewish teens. From engaging workshops to inspiring guest speakers, every moment was an opportunity to grow and learn.

But it wasn't all work and no play! The camp was buzzing with fun and exciting experiences. Whether we were participating in team-building exercises, swimming in the lake, enjoying evening bonfires, or simply hanging out and sharing stories, the atmosphere was electric.

One of the most powerful moments was realizing how connected we all are, despite coming from different parts of the world. It was a reminder of the strength and unity within our global Jewish movement.

Additionally, learning about BBYO's rich history was deeply inspiring, especially since this year marks the 100th anniversary of the organization. B'nai B'rith Perlman Camp is one of the many homes of BBYO, where visionaries like Sam Beber and Anita Perlman once stood. Being in the same place where such influential figures shaped the movement added a profound sense of connection and pride to the experience.

My time at ILTC was a whirlwind of learning, laughter, and leadership. It's an experience that has shaped me in profound ways and one that I highly recommend to any Jewish teen looking to grow their BBYO community at home, gain leadership skills, and make lasting memories.

So, if you're ever given the chance to attend ILTC, take it. You won't regret it. The friendships, the lessons, and the fun are all waiting for you!

Devan Bloch is an Aleph from Sydney Australia number #5477 🇦🇺 I love being creative, whether it’s dancing to filming, or djing to photography! dance🎶📣✡️

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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