How To Cope With Stress

March 18, 2024
Mihaela Grigorova

Sofia, Bulgaria

Class of 2027

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As high school students, we face stress every day. We have to juggle school, family, friends, sports, mental health, and interests on a daily basis and sometimes it gets too much. I personally spent a lot more time thinking about what I have to do instead of doing it so this article aims to help anyone cope with everyday stress. 

  1. Get enough sleep - sleeping is one of the main ways to relax and recharge and it’s really vital for wellbeing. Instead of being tired and studying for hours, you can take a short nap and start again. 
  2. Journaling - writing down your thoughts and feelings can help process everything that is going on. It’s a habit that, even in the most stressful environment, can remind you that reflecting on your actions on a daily basis will make your overwhelming life better. 
  3. Eat well - every day I hear at least one of my friends saying “I can’t eat lunch today, I’m trying to lose weight”. Food is what gives you energy, without this energy you can’t do anything. You can’t exercise, study, or be active in any other way. Food is important, it’s better to feel good than be sick. 
  4. Take a break - remember that it’s always important not to work too much and to take some time for yourself and rest. Make time to work on your tasks and then relax. 
  5. Plan your day - writing everything you need to do in a day down can help track your process and help you feel less stressed. Sticking to that schedule can be rewarding - for every task you do, you feel more and more productive. 
  6. Ask for help when you need it - it’s important to not ignore your needs when having a lot to do. You can reach out to friends, family, your school psychologist, or even a teacher when you feel you need to talk to someone. 
  7. Don’t procrastinate - dealing with problems as soon as they come up instead of ignoring them can ease stress. 
  8. Think positively - whatever you do, don’t give up. Thinking positively can help manage your everyday tasks instead of dwelling on how much you must do. 
  9. Less blue light, more sunlight - decreasing the time you spend on your phone and increasing your time outside with friends or family can positively impact what you do. 
  10. Approach the source - if you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, find out what is causing these emotions and work on it. 

My name is Mihaela and I am a BBG from chapter Gideon, Bulgaria and I love cats!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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