Hug Your Friends & Family Tight

October 7, 2024
Becca Firestone

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Class of 2026

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How was October 7th only a year ago?

I'm wondering and feeling the same thing as you. During this past year, I have had the chance to meet some amazing people. So right now, as I reflect on the past year since the October 7th attacks, I think about how all my friends are feeling, which is probably the same or similar to me: wanting to be around each other on this day.

Also, my birthday happens to be on October 7th as well, which for me has been quite interesting this year because I remember the moment that the world changed this time last year. I was waking up and checking Instagram, and all my feed was “Israel is under attack!” I instantly realized this was going to be an event that would go down in Jewish history next to the Holocaust. As the hours went on, I began to understand what was really going on: Hamas had taken these innocent people and hurt them in ways that are so terrifying to believe were true. Having this day on my birthday has definitely changed the way I celebrate my birthday. For instance, I decided to take off school because I felt that if I was there, I would not be able to do my best work or feel I could share openly how I feel about today. Like most of us, I feel as though I should be surrounded by people, which is not going to happen because they live so far away. It gives me hope because I know I'm only months away from seeing them at IC (International Convention) in February.

Now, I am writing this article on the one-year anniversary of October 7th and my birthday. I look through my feed and I'm filled with birthday messages that I am forever grateful for, as well as “We will dance again,” “Bring them home now!” and “365.” I'm reminded of how special this day is to us as the Jewish people. After the summer that I had, today I'm thinking of all the memories and connections that I have that I will cherish forever.

Today is different from all other days. It's one day that has been on hold for a year. This day can be hard for all of us, and it probably is even more difficult this year, but we hold our friends and family tight. We can forever be resilient and come back stronger than ever.

That's why I believe it is NOW MORE THAN EVER WE SHOULD KEEP OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY CLOSE! Even if your best friends live far and wide, there is so much you can do so each and every one of you feels connected.

1. FaceTime and have a watch party with your favorite shows/movies together!

I love this one; you could pick a show to binge each week so you have a reason to call, and then you can talk all about it with each other and make sort of like a book club but with TV shows & movies.

2. Write letters back and forth to each other! 

This one is really cute and brings you back to the olden days when we didn't have social media or phones.

3. Send each other “Shabbat shalom” or “Shavua tov”texts.

I find this one really popular with my friend group. Also, it gives you a chance to see how everyone's week is going.

4. Plan your dream vacation with them!

This one is super fun! You can make Pinterest boards so you can visualize it! It makes it that much cuter!

5. Do monthly calls !! 

I really find this one works really well because it gives you time to go along with life, and then once it's been a month, you can catch up on what life is like from wherever you may be in the world.

6. Make really cute countdowns until you see each other and post them on instagram or TikTok ! 

This one is so cute. I love making countdowns with my friends, and it brings so much excitement into yours and their lives.

7. Play bingo on zoom 

I have been doing this one for years since COVID with my family, and it's so much fun! Bring snacks, and it can be like a potluck with some games.

I find that having these little things to look forward to in a time like this can really make a difference in your day-to-day life. At least for me, I look forward to calling and catching up with my best friends every month, especially this month. I hope this helps and makes being away from your friends on this hard day a little lighter.

Am Yisrael Chai 

Becca Firestone is a BBG from Vancouver Region and loves to sing and perform.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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