It's Always Sunny Somewhere

July 5, 2024
Gal Rubel

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Class of 2025

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I walk a couple steps from my home to my school and every breath is cold. July's winter has arrived and with that, the winter holidays are approaching. Nevertheless, my Instagram is filled with lake pictures, s’mores, and Camp Maccabiah. It may be winter here but it's summer at my other home, Perlman. 

As I watch Shabbat pictures flood my Instagram, I talk to my friends who are attending camp and see every single @bbyoinsider or @bbyopasport takeover. I wonder how I can bring that BBYO Summer magic back home. Is it possible to take the magic and bring it over 3000 miles?

Even though I would love to be rejoicing under the sun, or having an incredible havdalah at camp, for many BBGs like myself it's not summer break but rather we are in the middle of exam season. However, with studying non-stop comes some good things, for example, you have BBYO programs running locally. If that's you, continue reading because I am going to share 3 tips to bring the magic of BBYO summer to your community. If you are fortunate enough to be out of school and in the middle of your holidays, open a new note on your phone or grab paper and a pencil so that whenever the term starts you have some ideas to implement in your chapter or region.

It is important to clarify that these are in no particular order but rather the ones that I am most excited to implement in my home community.

  1. Run a program about BBYO around the world.

For me, being surrounded by people from all over the world is one of the best parts of a summer program. Getting breakfast with somebody from RMR, walking to programs with somebody from Vancouver, and then spending Chofesh with somebody from Serbia is magical. That's why an Around the World program is such a good idea, you may even get to include a friend from your summer programs while learning about how other teens like you enjoy BBYO.

  1. Separates

Friday night is probably one of my favorite moments in BBYO Summer programs, that feeling of being part of something that spans over a century and 5 continents. Chanting “Identity Identity”, knowing you belong there, in the moment and time. Running separates can also be great to remind members of the power of BBG/AZA or teach new members about what BBYO is without having to spend a lot of money or travel far.

  1. Join the ILN

The ILN is at the center of our Movement's leadership worldwide. It shapes the power of Jewish teens to strengthen our priorities, connect our communities, and develop new leaders. It's incredible the amount of things you can do, from baking club to planning International Convention in Denver, be sure to look at Lead | AZA & BBG. Press corps is one of the most fulfilling committees and you can be part of teams like TikTok or Journalism, who knows maybe you can write articles year-round just like this.

BBYO Summer is truly some of the best moments of the year but even if it rains, it's cold, or summer is far away, the magic, the knowledge, and the rituals can be adapted everywhere.

Gal is a BBG living in Buenos Aires, Argentina who is in love with outer space.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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