Junior Year: A Reflection of My Busiest Year in BBYO

September 18, 2024
Shira Preis

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Class of 2025

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“Do we have a Mazkirah in the house?”

“Yes, we do, and her name is Shira Preis.” 

This was the announcement that ended my sophomore year. After countless lost elections, I was finally going to be on the chapter board! I was elated and so ready to kick off the next school year. 

Summer came and went in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, BBYO had started back up again. During my term as Maz, I served both semesters. I worked hard to accomplish all the goals I had set in my speech. I knew what it was like to feel new to the chapter, so I worked relentlessly to make everyone feel included. If someone was in the corner alone, I would start a conversation with them. I would then guide them into the rest of the group by saying things like, "I just need one quick group picture," or "please can you pose for this boomerang." For initial outreach, I would call and text MITs in addition to our Morah. I would text them a happy birthday and remind them of upcoming events. Eventually, I would go on to go to both eighth-grade events and be one of the people who introduced our eighth-graders to BBYO. I am now so excited to continue to get to know these girls as their MIT mom during this upcoming year. 

However, junior year I did so much more than just be chapter Maz for BBYO. I continued my time in the press corps by being Hub G’s (the best hub) Manager. While I definitely did not know how challenging the role would be at first, I quickly rose to the occasion. Before each submission period I would send out reminders and I direct messages to check in on the people in my hub. Together, we would brainstorm story ideas and write so they could meet their deadlines. 

If given the opportunity to participate in this role again, I would want to continue the story recap fliers that I made. I only made about three fliers that advertised every story the people in my Hub had submitted. Next year, I hope to be more consistent with my efforts. I also hope to facilitate Hub bonding a little more. In the end, I got people to talk in the group chat, so it didn’t look like I was talking to myself; I could have tried earlier to get more people to participate. All that said, I still think I was very successful throughout the year. From my press corps role at IC to Hub Manager, I definitely fulfilled my goal of remaining active in the press corps throughout the year. 

BBYO isn’t all about the roles you hold. Despite being my busiest, junior year was my favorite year of BBYO. As an older member of the chapter, I felt my confidence grow, and I quickly connected with girls both older and younger than me. I have found that just when I thought it wasn’t possible for me to meet and love new people, I do. From my new friendships at IC to even meeting new people at a local convention, I have grown my circle so much this past year.

Shira Preis is a BBG who lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and she loves to dance and write in her free time.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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