Kicking Off a New Era: The 7th International Gizborim's Journey Begins

August 27, 2024
International Gizborim


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Hi everyone! We're so excited to welcome you to our first Officer Reports. For those who may not know us yet, we are Joaquin Salomon from Montevideo, Uruguay, and Alexandra Greenberg from Denver, Colorado. Join us as we dive into the beginning of our journey as your 7th International Gizborim. Let's dive in!

We started our term in beautiful Washington, DC, team-building, setting new goals for the ISF, bowling at the White House, and connecting for the incredible year ahead. But not everything was work. We had an incredible time and the opportunity to become friends with the whole 100/80! We encourage you to do the same with your boards; trust us, you won’t regret it!

Sadly, neither of us attended BBYO summer this year. Alex lived it up in Israel and Poland, learning a lot, and Joaco attended school and visited his BBYO friends from Argentina during the winter holidays. We didn't get to attend Perlman, but we had a total of 14 Gizborim at ILTC and 8 at Kallah. Shout out to GAR for having the only Gizborim CO Pair at Perlman!

Have you signed up for the ILN yet? Have you texted at least two strong leaders from your region to do so? Has your regional/council/community board applied for the ILN yet? If not, applications are closing on September 2nd. As the Gizborim Network, we get to run #GivingBBYODay, working with our Hype Squad and Coordinators. Through the Hype Squad this year, we are supporting a new alumni fundraising initiative and making sure every member of the Hype Squad has a meaningful job to do. Additionally, we get to run the Gamechanger Granting Committee, allowing us to elevate chapter programming in your communities. This year, we are emphasizing our team’s impact by hosting coaching meetings with your grant recipients to check in on chapter planning progress and usage of the funds to ensure the best use of them.

ILTC hosted BBYO-THON, where the team banded together to raise $15,070 for Magen David Adom, Israel's national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance, and blood bank service. Shout out to ILTC for helping support Magen David Adom, giving life, changing lives, improving lives, and saving lives – every minute of every day. ILTC raising money for Magen David Adom is an incredible example of what we can do with the ISF.

Now, let's talk about our beloved ISF. This year, our goal is to have every community understand what the ISF is, and as an executive body, we pledged to raise over $53,000. We want to refocus this year and make everything we do within the ISF meaningful. We want you to know the ISF like you know MRIHA or how to plan a program. The ISF has an incredible amount of power to make change if we allow it to.

We didn't want to end without a bang – shout out to our BBG counterparts from KMR, NFR, CVR, and RMR for some incredible work and passion for this upcoming year. From the Aleph side, shout out to CRW and NOVA for lots of excitement for this year!

From the current Grand Aleph Gizbor and International Gizborit.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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