IC 2025 truly surpassed all of my expectations, and I had the most amazing weekend!! One of the highlights for me was opening ceremonies, where we got to see Andy Grammer perform. He sang all of his hit songs, and everyone had so much fun dancing and singing along. It was such an incredible experience. BBYO essentially had a private concert with Andy Grammer!! I was also so lucky because, after the opening ceremony, I had the opportunity to meet Andy Grammer in person. I was randomly selected, along with a couple of my friends, to attend Andy Grammer’s meet and greet and take a photo with him. It was such a cool experience, and I had the best night!!
Alana Borkon is a BBG lfrom New York who loves her friends, family, and being a BBG
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.