My BBYO Experience

September 11, 2024
Leah Heimer

Kent, Connecticut, United States

Class of 2025

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This year's BBYO experience has been nothing short of new experiences. 

Other than going to IC and different summer programs, being involved in BBYO is hard while at boarding school. I live over an hour from the nearest chapter, so attending chapter meetings is already out of the question. I have school Monday through Saturday, so regional conventions are pretty much impossible if I don’t want to miss school and my sport. However, this past fall, my friend Shiraz, who also goes to boarding school, approached me with a project she had worked on: BBYO Boarding School. We tried to do the same thing a few years back, but we were met without any luck. She worked on it alone while I focused on school and asked me to help revive it. 

At IC, a meeting was held for boarding school students. We discussed what we wanted out of this experience and what we could do to help. When I returned to school, I went full speed ahead. I started getting back into the swing of things and helped organize events and do outreach. We had about 4 events throughout the spring before the elections, all on Zoom. 

This spring I started truly realizing why people are so into BBYO. I have built friendships and connections with other Jewish boarding school students, something I never thought would happen. In my chapter in China, the people in our chapter were the people who I went to synagogue with, so I never met anyone new. We also never held formal elections in China, so being able to participate and get elected was a new, exciting experience for me. I immediately got into the swing of things by planning an end-of-year Zoom call. Although it didn’t turn out the way I wanted, it was great to get to experience planning an event, and I am so excited to see what this new chapter turns out to be. 

Leah Heimer is a BBG currently living Kent, CT from Shanghai, China who loves to travel, experience different cultures (she loves history) and to try new foods.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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