My BBYO Year “Wrapped”

September 12, 2024
Ella Marks

Northbrook, Illinois, United States

Class of 2026

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It started with camp sickness. I had forgotten how horrible it felt to be away from my sleep at camp B’nai B’rith Beber in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. This feeling was gone as soon as I found out that not only was I selected as a member of the ILN writing for the Shofar and an ambassador for Giving Day, but I was also chosen for my region’s RLN. I immediately remembered why I loved the organization of BBYO so much. 

I immediately got to thinking about what ideas I could bring to life through a simple template. Then, my region, the Great Midwest Region, kicked off our year with our annual yacht party. Here, I reconnected with my friends, who reminded me that people truly have my back and care. Then, another opportunity presented itself. My chapter, Jane Beber Abramson, sent out a board application, and I knew I immediately had to apply for the Mini Maz position. After losing the previous election where I ran for Sh’licha, I was at peace, knowing it wasn’t the position for me. Once chosen for Mini Maz, I immediately took action by helping out the new and younger girls in my chapter by making them feel welcome and included in our big community. 

Then, my personal favorite time of the year came: our annual winter competition convention, known as Invite. Here, I was lucky enough for my chapter, as well as our brother chapter, to win our respective competitions. Moving forward into the spring term, I was sure of running for Mazkirah, and I was thrilled when my N’siah asked if there was a question in the house, to which my name was the answer. I love the role of Mazkirah because it gets my creativity going. I can sit for hours on end planning out new things, creating posts or TikToks, and so much more. Our spring term was smooth sailing. My chapter is one of the biggest in the area, with an average of 50 members coming to each program. Leading this amazing group of girls and becoming a role model for all of the Underclassmen gives me such joy. That spring WAS also when regional declaration packets came out, and I felt confident that it was the path for me. 

I knew Mazkirah was the position for me, using my skill of being able to pace myself. Yes, there was lots of work needed for the election, but doing a little each day allowed me not to feel stressed during the process. This calmness carried over into our Spring convention. Here, I was able to experience my first country-themed Shabbat, open up and cry in front of others, and capture moments during cheer circles where nothing else mattered besides screaming my heart out. 

The following Sunday was the election, and like everyone else, I was nervous. I like to think I have a good stage presence, so I did feel confident. Confident that I knew everything. Confident I could answer any question thrown my way because my passion for this position was real. I made it through my whole speech with a smile on my face. My smile got even bigger when I found out I was lucky enough to be the next regional Mazkirah. What followed was such a whirlwind of emotions and ideas. Following the elections, my day got even better when I found out my counterpart was one of my close friends! That next day, we spent four hours planning out all of our ideas, passions, and more. 

This excitement has not died down, even though BBYO has paused for the summer. I know my love for this organization will strengthen more as I attend Kallah this summer. Reflecting over this past year, I’ve realized that you should go for what you love, and what I love is helping others through BBYO. 

Ella Marks is a BBG from Northbrook, Illinois, and is a figure skater.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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