My Year in BBYO

September 10, 2024
Shayna Horwitz

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Class of 2025

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My BBYO experience this past school year can only be described as a roller coaster. It took me on a journey with ups and downs, stress, excitement, and nerves. Yet, above all, it taught me about the importance of connection, both locally and internationally. 

It didn’t begin as a roller coaster. Everything was normal through 2023. I was co-N’siah of my chapter, event attendance saw record-breaking numbers, and membership was greatly expanding. Then came January. Along with January comes the typical new beginnings. Although this time, the “new” was a drop in my board position, from N’siah to S’ganit. 

In the beginning, I coped with lots of tears and complaints with my friends. I even considered dropping the board altogether. But instead, I decided to throw myself more into the international aspect of BBYO. I began calling my friends from my summer 2023 BBYO Passport trip weekly, ensuring that I wouldn’t lose my close bonds with them. I followed other chapters’ Instagrams across the order and found inspiration that I could take back to my own. And, I got more involved with the Press Corps, becoming a part of IC Press Corps as IC 100 approached. 

These steps made me more connected to the entire BBYO order, allowing me to develop a new perspective. I was able to shift my focus from being solely on my chapter to how I can expand my outreach and meet even more people. Lucky for me, IC 100 was close, and to say it changed me as a person would honestly be an understatement.

When the day came in February, I had never been more excited. It was my first IC and I already knew it wouldn’t be my last. The weekend was like no other I’ve experienced. I made so many new friends from both inside and outside of the US, many of whom I still keep in contact with. I reunited with my Passport friends, who I truly believe made the experience so special. I learned about other chapters’ traditions, BBYO rituals, and real-world problems from the guest speakers. I was trusted to interview Noa Tishby, one of my biggest role models for which I am still deeply grateful. I discovered more about myself and became more independent. Arguably most importantly, I experienced the true beauty of Jewish connection.

All too soon, I returned home. Home to Minnesota, home to my chapter that I previously felt had betrayed me, and home to my lower position as S’ganit. But I was okay. I wasn’t the same person I once was. I had a community behind me, one filled with BBGs and AZAs who would support me from all over the world. With the help of international BBYO, my passion was reignited and I came to appreciate the organization even more than before. 

Even through the ups and downs of this BBYO programming year, one fact remained true: I loved BBYO. I may not be my chapter’s N’siah, and a part of me may still feel betrayed, but that doesn’t matter. In the end, I was able to find my place, and I feel truly grateful to have that place for one final year.

Shayna Horwitz is a BBG from Chabibi BBG #325: Northstar Council who loves spending time with friends and family!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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