Parshat Terumah: Building Together

February 28, 2025
BBYO Weekly Parsha


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Parshat Terumah describes the Israelites’ journey and their process in building the Tabernacle–a portable house of worship that they carried with them through the desert. Despite being freed from Egypt, the Israelites constantly complained about their hardships, expressing frustration over their lack of food and water and even longing to return to Egypt rather than wander in the wilderness. Just weeks before receiving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, they lost faith in G-d and built the Golden Calf, turning to idol worship instead. In response, G-d commanded the Israelites to construct the Tabernacle. The Israelites compiled their resources and worked together to build something far better than they would have built on their own as individuals. Through this experience, G-d taught the Israelites how important it is to work together.

We see this same power of teamwork and community in action today. A great example is BBYO’s International Convention. Thousands of Jewish teens from around the world came together to create a meaningful and unforgettable experience. The success of IC is a direct result of teamwork and leadership. Teens volunteer for various steering committees under the guidance of the International S'ganit–some plan and lead Shabbat services, other coordinate speakers and artists, and many contribute in different ways to ensure an incredible and impactful event. Beyond IC, BBYO thrives because of the collaboration among members, chapters, and regions, all working together to create engaging and inspiring programming. 

Parshat Terumah highlights the power of community and collaboration. Just as the Israelites built the Tabernacle, we too have the ability to shape our future and make a difference in the world around us. This Parshah teaches us to follow in our ancestors’ footsteps–to take action, work together, and build something meaningful. 

Alone, we are strong. Together, we are unstoppable.

Shabbat Shalom!

Maya Poscover
NER BBYO Mayim Chayim #605 Morah

Read commentary on this week's Parsha from BBYO teens around the world.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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