Parshat Tetzaveh: The Resilience of Israel and the Jewish People

March 6, 2025
BBYO Weekly Parsha


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This week's Torah portion, Parshat Tetzaveh, describes how G-d commands Moses to create the purest olive oil for the Temple service. This oil, crushed from the olives, was to be used to light the Menorah and sustain the "everlasting flame" from dusk until dawn. As the Torah states: “Command the Israelites to bring you clear olive oil, crushed for the light, so that the lamp may always burn” (Exodus 27:20). This commandment is more than a ritual detail; it is a profound metaphor for the Jewish people and our resilience.

The Midrash notes a powerful comparison between the olive and the Jewish people, “Rabbi Joshua ben Levi asked, “Why is Israel compared to an olive?” He answered, just as the olive only yields its oil by being crushed, so too does Israel reach its full potential through challenges and suffering.”

In today’s world, we are living this truth. Since October 7th, the Jewish people have faced an unrelenting surge of antisemitism. It has been a daily struggle to withstand this pressure, a test of faith and identity. We have been, and continue to be, crushed. Yet, just as the olive releases its purest oil when pressed, so too do we release our light, our unity, and our unwavering commitment to our heritage.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks expands on this idea, reminding us that suffering, while undeniably painful, can be transformed into a source of light. He writes: “We can become like the olive which, when crushed, produces the pure oil that fuels the light of holiness.” Our task, then, is not to ask, “Why has this happened?” but rather, “Given that this has happened, what then shall I do?” The answer is found in action, in illuminating the darkness with our deeds, our faith, and our leadership.

Through BBYO, we embody this eternal flame. Every one of us represents a drop of that pure oil, a testament to the strength and vitality of the Jewish people. Our mission is to set out and change young Jewish lives, to give opportunities for them to connect with other teens. Each of our ideas, skills, and strengths is what goes into creating the purest oil which lights the flame that lights the way forward.

Our commitment to Jewish unity and leadership is not only about preserving the past but also about building a future where the flame of Judaism burns brighter than ever. As Rabbi Sacks so beautifully put it, “Great faith can turn pain into love and holy light.” The light of the menorah, which once illuminated the Sanctuary and the Temple, now shines through each of us; through our acts of kindness, our pride in our identity, and our determination to lead.

So let us continue to be that pure oil, to fuel the flame that will never be extinguished. Let us transform the pressures we face in today's world into a light that guides not only our own path but the path of every young Jewish teen who seeks connection, meaning, and purpose.

Shabbat Shalom, 

Jemma Schiffer - Greater Atlanta Region #55

Read commentary on this week's Parsha from BBYO teens around the world.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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