Putting the LEADership in LEADs Day

February 16, 2025
Abby Roth

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Class of 2027

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From sporting events with AZAA and BBGG to learning about lessons from the Holocaust, there is a LEADS track for everyone at the International Convention. As for me, I found myself on a bus heading towards BBYO Leadership Bootcamp. As a CLTC 2 2024 alumna, I’m no stranger to BBYO leadership training. However, I still found fresh new tools to store in my BBYO toolbox. 

To start our session, Lauren Greenberg, the senior regional director of NRE: DC, gave us a glimpse of a mock blueprint session similar to what one would find at ILTC. Specifically, we learned about the recruiting strategy MRIHA (meet, record, invite, host, ask), as well as how to effectively calendar for BBYO with this strategy in mind. Within this, we discussed the different types of programs and how to use them sequentially to best incorporate prospects into our chapters. 

Next, Sean Lynch, a leader in digital product strategy and management, led us through a hands-on activity that involved making difficult decisions considering budget, time, and value. We were tasked to plan a grand program with a budget of $3,000 and a time limit of two hours. We were split into groups and given a sheet of activities to choose from, each with a cost, amount of time it would take, and value. This was a competition; whoever could plan the program with the most points while using the least amount of money would win. Along the way, we were given surprise obstacles such as a considerable budget cut, which forced us to make tough decisions and weigh aspects of value vs effort, time, and budget. 

In the end, my group and I planned a program we were proud of, racking up a considerable amount of value points while still staying under budget. However, we ultimately did not come out victorious compared to the other groups. Despite this, all my group members agreed that we thoroughly enjoyed this activity and were proud of the mock program we created. I loved problem-solving mathematically and creatively, adapting in the face of challenges, and working with new friends. So, while we didn’t formally win the competition, we were winners in our hearts. 

Finally, Dan Fields, a BBYO alumnus who was our very own Grand Godol from 1983-1994, told us about his work; he is a creative Imagineer at Disney and taught us about the many projects he has completed, including Avengers Campus in California Adventure as well as the original production of Disney’s The Lion King on broadway. Inspired by his work, we dreamed up theme parks and attractions of our own, all of BBYO themes, of course. After each group had the chance to present their ideas, we all cleaned up and headed back to the hotel.

Overall, while I’d typically gravitate more towards the athletic LEADs, I’m content that I ended up in BBYO Leadership Bootcamp. I found the activities engaging and admired the speakers for their expertise and enthusiasm. I’m excited to return home to my chapter in Arizona with my new leadership tools in tow.

Abby Roth is a BBG from Mountain Region who loves the beach and cats.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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