The Power of BBYO Connections

April 18, 2023
Reese Fishelman

Watchung, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2025

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Last summer I went on CLTC 2, but I had originally signed up for CLTC 5. I'm not usually one to be spiritual or anything like that, but I believe I was meant to meet people from both. At my CLTC, my entire friend group consisted of people who were originally going on different CLTC sessions, but then switched to 2. There were not many people who switched, and I believe the seven of us were meant to meet. 

Following my CLTC, I became friends with other people that I didn't really talk to at the camp, along with some others in my region who attended CLTC 5, the session I was supposed to go on. As I became closer with these people in my region, I naturally met their friends. 

International Convention really brought all of us together, as I was able to meet their friends in person. We spent the days in Dallas together and got super close. 

Once we all got home, we talked about hanging out, which actually ended up happening the day before I am writing this. I went into New York City to see one of my new international friends, and then from there to Long Island to see two others. We actually all hung out without my regional friends who introduced us in the first place.

As I got in the car heading from Long Island to my house I was reflecting back on my day and realized that my adventures through the Tri-state area were a perfect expression of why BBYO exists. Jews from all over were able to connect and become friends which is exactly what this organization is all about.  

Reese Fishelman is a BBG from New Jersey and she has a dalmatian!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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