Top 10 “Top 10 Lists” of All Time

March 4, 2025
Sarah Begun

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2026

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If you’ve ever been to an election, you probably know what a “Top 10 list” is. But for those who may not, it’s a popular tradition across the order where, during elections, you rank things into a top 10 list and share with your chapter/region/council while you’re waiting or at a break as a fun way to pass time. This has gone on for years, across multiple countries, and been passed down as BBYO tradition. 

So here’s my top 10 list of top 10 lists:

  1. Reasons to go on a summer program
  2. People to see at IC
  3. Jewish celebrities 
  4. Camp songs
  5. Places you’ve napped
  6. Starbucks orders
  7. Spooey combos 
  8. U.S. States
  9. Jewish TikTokers
  10. Reasons to make top 10 lists

Sarah Begun is a BBG living in Cherry Hill, New Jersey who plays bass guitar, and lacrosse.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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