There are so many things I love about BBYO, but here are my personal top 20 favorite things!
20. Icebreakers
19. Board clipboards
18. Candles
17. Color coded chapter instagram feeds
16. Making platforms
15. Sisterhood sleepovers
14. The pile of uggs by the door during events
13. Merch
12. Song sesh
11. Dressing up for shabbat
10. Mazkirim network & promotion
9. SJR’s Tourneys
8. Havdalah
7. Being on board
6. South Jersey Region #35
5. Dafna BBG #1110
4. Regional conventions
3. Spirit circle
2. Separates
1. The BBYO community
Mirabelle is a BBG from South Jersey Region and loves summer, shopping, Noah Kahan, and chipotle.
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.