Watching 21 Jump Street Made Kanye “Like Jewish People Again”

April 14, 2023
Maren Hettler

Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

Class of 2025

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Kanye West has decided that he likes Jewish people again after his antisemitic remarks inspired nearly 60 anti-Jewish incidents last year. “Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump street made me like Jewish people again,” he wrote in the caption of an Instagram post. 

The post comes after West made multiple antisemitic comments on social media. He previously praised Adolf Hitler on InfoWars, saying “I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis.” He was even named the 2022 Antisemite of the Year by StopAntisemitism due to his “threats of violence, hateful conduct, and hate speech.”

“No one should take anger against one or two individuals and transform that into hate against millions of innocent people,” he said, indicating that his previous antisemitic tweets had been out of anger only towards specific Jewish people he knew. The Anti-Defamation League reported that almost 60 antisemitic incidents last year were directly inspired by his previous comments, including 44 cases of harassment and 13 cases of vandalism. 

At least ten instances of harassment or vandalism occurred at schools across the US. In one school bathroom in Newport Beach, California, the words “Kanye West is right” and “Kill All Jews” were written on the wall alongside three swastikas. At another school in Newton, Massachusetts, the statement “Kanye was right about the Jews” was written next to swastikas and a crossed out Star of David. 

At Tulane University, where Jewish students make up around 40 percent of the student body, junior Sarah Ma published an article defending West’s antisemitism titled “Ye Did Nothing Wrong.” 

“For the most part, Jewish people run Hollywood. That’s a fact,” Ma wrote, adding that “although unexpected and shocking, the picture of the swastika inside the Star of David literally unites Nazis and Jews.” After the article was published, she has received numerous death threats and has since left the state. She is reportedly arranging to finish this semester online.

Maren Hettler is a BBG from Nona Bloch Salomon in NTO and she loves olives!

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