Watching From Afar

July 29, 2024
Brenna Halper

District of Columbia, United States

Class of 2025

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Ever since joining BBYO, I knew I wanted to do everything possible in this organization, including participating in summer programs. I wanted to do all of them, but I learned the hard way that it isn’t always possible. Since going on CLTC 5 in 2022, my life has changed drastically for the better, and I have my experiences there to thank.

My time at CLTC  led me to want to continue participating in summer programs for the remainder of my tenure in BBYO. However, this wasn’t possible for me. Last summer, I watched all of my close CLTC and other international friends have the time of their lives at Perlman.

That has continued into this summer, whether it be more friends at Perlman, coordinating CLTC, or participating in various Passport programs. I spend my summers at home, working and exploring my adventurous side through the experiences of my friends.

This is not how I ever imagined my summers going when I was younger, but I have learned to be grateful for the amazing times I had at the one summer program I attended and will have the chance to go on.

Brenna is a BBG living in DC and really loves the BBYO community and Greek mythology.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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