BBYO Changed My Life

September 16, 2024
Charlie Bern

Tampa, Florida, United States

Class of 2026

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During the last school year, I served as Regional Mazkir of the North Florida Region. Going into my term at the end of freshman year, I barely knew anything about BBYO. I was a general member who was never on the chapter board, and when the Spring Regional Convention came around, I didn’t even know there was a board until we had elections on Sunday Morning. I just thought all the people at the front of the room during the Convention were chosen by the Regional Director to act as a leader, or they were volunteers. I knew there were presidents at the Regional and Chapter level but nothing more. I was nominated for my role, as we didn’t have anyone who ran for Regional Mazkir, and they saw me as a possible rising leader in our region, as I had been coming to events for a full school year by then. I accepted, not fully understanding what I was getting myself into, but I was very excited and interested.

When I got home, I was anxious to get started. I started talking to my co, discussing what I would need to succeed, and I eventually learned how my role as Regional Mazkir could best help my Regional Board counterparts. 

At the end of summer, going into my sophomore year, I was excited to start my term. I bonded with the whole board at the Regional Board Retreat, and when I got home, I applied for the Press Corps on the ILN. I was excited to get more involved. 

Our KOMS network group chat was becoming more and more active, and the more I was talking to my counterparts from all over the world, the more I got closer to them. I became good friends with other Mazkirim from around the order. 

Eventually, IC 2024 in Orlando came, and I met all my friends from around the world in person for the first time. It was mind-blowing for me to see so many other Jewish teenagers in one building, and I made so many new friends, too. Also, I was on the IC News Desk Press Corps team, which was an amazing opportunity. Overall, IC was a fantastic experience, inspiring me to sign up for ILTC 2024. 

At ILTC this summer, I reunited with all my friends from IC and made so many new ones. Going into it, I only knew a handful of people, and I had the best time meeting new people. It was an amazing experience that inspired me to extend and stay for Kallah, where I got closer to my ILTC friends and made yet again so many new friends from around the world. Perlman 2024 was an amazing experience where I met so many amazing people, and now I have so many best friends from all over. It was also a very powerful experience where I learned so much about myself and Judaism. I also learned valuable leadership skills that I took home to my region. 

Now, I am serving as Regional Aleph Godol of North Florida Region.

Charlie Bern is an Aleph from Tampa, Florida, and plays lacrosse.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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