BBYO: The Compass of My Journey

September 19, 2024
Lea Mordkovich

Berlin, Germany

Class of 2025

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This past year with BBYO has been nothing short of INCREDIBLE. As a member of ZWST, I had the opportunity to dive deep into what makes our community so special. From unforgettable events to forming strong bonds with fellow Jewish teens, BBYO has truly been a home away from home for me. 

Let’s start where it all began: ZWST. My community back home, ZWST Noar, Germany, has grown a lot. This year, we had our first regional convention, where I met new friends and learned so much about leadership and the power of our Jewish identity. I had the opportunity to participate in our first in-person regional chapter elections. Now, I have the great honor of being a part of Germany’s third Noar board. The energy, passion, and sense of belonging I felt was unmatched. It’s amazing to see how BBYO brings out the best in us by pushing us to grow while having a lot of fun.

I also had a chance to get involved in organizing some of our chapter activities, which was a huge learning experience. Participating in steering teams, working with a team, and watching our ideas come to life showed me how impactful we can be when we come together.

Talking about growth, I had the honor of experiencing BBYO’s Centennial year. 

100 years of BBYO. Let that sink in. 

I participated in so many activities and projects that helped me learn and grow with other inspiring teens. Writing articles, doing interviews, and delivering a TED Talk were all out of my comfort zone, but I did. 

BBYO has given me the confidence to step up and make a difference in my community. It always keeps me connected to my Jewish roots. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings and how we can continue to build and strengthen our BBYO family. If you’re thinking about joining, I can promise you it’ll be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. 

I'm looking forward to another year of BBYO!

Lea is a BBG, from Berlin, Germany, and is a member of ZWST.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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