There are so many different aspects of BBYO that I am so thankful for. However, one thing that always stuck out to me since I joined, especially now, was its powerful ability to connect people from all over the world.
This factor of BBYO was really put in perspective for me when I signed up to attend ILTC this upcoming summer. I already know that it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Through Zoom calls, social media, and texts, I have met a group of some of my closest friends, from all over the country, that instantly changed my life forever. Looking back, it is such a crazy thought to me that I never would have met these people if it wasn’t for this amazing organization. After just a few weeks of talking with each other, it feels like I have known them and their experiences my whole life. I know that I would be a completely different person right now if I had not met them. Talking to them always gives me something to look forward to in my day, despite how far we may be location wise. When I say BBYO introduces you to people that will make such a lasting impact on your life in such a short amount of time, I mean it, and this is exactly why.
Knowing that I will be spending almost three weeks with them this summer and will meet so many other amazing people, is such an inspiring feeling. I want to help other people experience the joy of meeting these people has brought me, so I have the lucky opportunity of being a lead at IC 2021’s summer lounge. I have been planning a summer 2021 meetup at IC so everyone attending a summer program alongside me can really branch out and find their people as I have. I am beyond excited to meet everyone and spend my upcoming summer at Perlman. BBYO is a once in a lifetime opportunity that truly makes lasting impacts on you for this exact reason.
Ava Caiati is a BBG from in Nassau Suffolk Region who loves BBYO.
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.