Chloe Hechter: Navigating Faith and Influence – A Jewish Influencer’s Journey

March 4, 2025
Charlotte Silcox

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2027

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Navigating social media and producing semitic directed content has become increasingly difficult for many influencers surrounding the influx of online antisemitism. Recently, I had the honor of interviewing Chloe Hechter about her experiences of being a Jewish influencer. Chloe, widely known for her skits about “jewish american princess” culture and summer camp experiences, shares her thoughts about her place in the Jewish world. Chloe provided a thoughtful and intricate response to the questions, giving insight into her world.

Q: Do you feel a responsibility to represent Jewish culture or values in social media? Why or why not?

A:It’s not so much responsibility as it has always been my intention to create representation for reform Jewish culture in the media. I’m happy to do it! I’ve always felt like there was not enough representation for reform, cultural Judaism, and I’ve always wanted to reclaim “Jewish American Princess” stereotypes through my writing and comedy. Social media has become the perfect environment for me to do just that!

Q: Are there specific themes or issues within the Jewish community that you feel passionate about sharing or advocating for?
A: This might sound repetitive, but my main goal is representation. There are so many misconceptions when it comes to Jews in the media—whether that be that all of us are that stereotypical image of a Hasidic Jew that you see in antisemitic propaganda, or that we all act one way or another. I never saw an accurate representation of the Northeast cultural Jew, which is so important to me.

Q: If you could change one thing about the way Jewish women are portrayed in the media, what would it be?

A: We need more funny, confident, Jewish women, and less that are only represented as either orthodox or incredibly annoying and extra. 

Q: As an icon for Jewish young people (especially young girls) across the country, what is one message you’d like to send?

A: Stay grounded and don’t be afraid to be exactly who you are because when you are being your authentic self, you will ultimately be the best version of yourself. Don’t be afraid to be publicly Jewish, even if it sounds scary and make sure you have other Jewish women in your inner circle.

Q: How have you navigated the Israel-Palestine conflict and the increasing amount of antisemitism on platforms such as Instagram?
A: When I see antisemitism on my pages, I typically just delete or block the account. Commenting “free Palestine” on a video about summer camp does nothing productive for anybody! I try to be as neutral as I can on social media, while still staying true to the fact that I’m both Jewish and Israeli-American.

Q: What’s your favorite bat mitzvah theme?

A: Ooh! Definitely Broadway …

I want to thank Chloe for taking the time to share her experiences. It's been amazing to interview her, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to hear her thoughts. As we finished our conversation, it became clear that Chloe Hechter is not just an influencer—she's part of a larger movement of young voices reshaping how Jewish identity, culture, and traditions are shown online. With her humor and commitment to representing her community, Chloe proves that her skits and videos have a far-reaching impact. Whether through her Instagram or Tiktoks, she continues to connect, educate, and inspire her followers, proving that social media can be a platform for meaningful conversations and cultural exploration.

Charlotte Silcox is a BBG from South Jersey and enjoys creative writing!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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