Finding Family in BBYO

September 12, 2024
Sydney Shankman

New York, New York, United States

Class of 2025

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Last year, I was nervous about the BBYO programming year. I was elected to Regional Board at Spring Convention in 2023 and was scared to take on a higher position. However, being on Regional Board has been one of the most transformative experiences. I get to share my love and excitement for BBYO with many chapters around NYC, and I loved every second of it. The best part of my experience in BBYO this past year was connecting with more members, especially the new members, and watching them fall in love with BBYO. 

Another highlight of this past year was my involvement in the ILN. I was an editor in chief for The Shofar. The best part of being editor in chief was reading others' experiences. Reading people’s articles inspired me and proved how deep the love for BBYO spans around the world. The articles covered topics from Jewish baseball players to Jewish traditions in Argentina. In addition, at the International Convention 2024, for the second year in a row, I led a separates program to over 100 BBGs. In our program, the BBGs could reflect on their self-image and encourage each other. Not only did I make so many friends in the program, but I also connected immediately with my co-leaders while planning the event.

As a regional Mazkirah, I was able to leverage social media to get others engaged in the Manhattan Region. New members were engaged in the accounts through TikTok trends such as the JoJo Siwa song. In addition, I loved seeing members' enthusiasm in getting involved through takeovers. I enjoyed spearheading the marketing committee for the Winter and Spring conventions, spreading the joy of being Mazkirah to new leaders.

The best part about being at BBYO last year was the new family that I created. My regional board members have quickly become my best friends, and I have formed close friendships with all of my counterparts. Also, I love offering advice, editing platforms, and being the person the younger members rely on. On the last day of the Spring Convention, many new members expressed their love for BBYO to me, which confirmed the weekend was a success. My ongoing goal is to ensure that the young members can find a safe space and a community in BBYO, just like I did.

I'm excited to see what the next year will bring as regional N’siah, and I highly recommend getting involved within BBYO as much as possible to find your own BBYO family.

Sydney is a BBG living in New York City in Manhattan Region who loves listening to music.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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