How To Make Your Social Media aMAZing!

June 21, 2024
Becky Machlovitz

Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Class of 2025

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It is very important, when posting on social media for your chapter, to make the content engaging and fun! Here are some tips and tricks I do for my chapter's social media!

1. I always like to make the background a fun, uplifting, and vibrant color to brighten people’s day. A captivating Instagram page is usually more engaging for most people! 

2. I try to make the posts short. If the page is too wordy people could lose interest and might not continue reading. To keep the reader engaged, I like to write only about the more important details. We can send additional information in our group chats.

3. Getting members involved and looking forward to summer programs is important to me. I try to promote summer programs by highlighting other members' experiences with pictures and a short quote. 

4. Making recap videos after each convention or an important event is a great way for newer members to have insight into what BBYO looks like and showcase all the fun a chapter has!

5. Lastly, I like to post cute monthly calendars to update the members on what's coming up so they are able to get excited and plan ahead. It also helps the board members keep track of which meetings are good for prospective members to come to. 

I believe these tips can help make your chapter’s social media as effective as possible. Social media is a great way to represent your chapter throughout the order. Having your social media be active, engaging, and fun not only helps your local chapter but also helps BBYO as a whole.

Becky Machlovitz is a BBG living in Boca Raton, Florida and is a competitive dancer!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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