Israel Wins Silver in the 2025 IIHF U20 World Championship in Belgrade, Serbia

March 3, 2025
Marni Stern

Westlake Village, California, United States

Class of 2025

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Belgrade, Serbia– The clock winds down in the final game of the tournament for Israel, Iceland on their tails, they manage to secure a 3-2 victory. The fight isn’t over, if Spain beats Serbia, Israel will claim the silver medal, but if Serbia wins, Israel claims Bronze.

January 19, 2025

Israel took the ice against Australia, hoping to prove themselves in Division II. The game was hard fought, Samson Goldshtein (15) scored two, Mike Levin (19) scored two, and Adi Rigler (19) scored one in the 5-2 victory. The challenges didn’t stop there for the young team, as several Australian players refused to remove their helmets for the playing of Hatikvah, the Israeli National Anthem, after the game. First star of the game, Mike Levin, took initiative pointing out the disrespect and requesting they remove their helmets. They obliged. This incident comes after Australia refused to host Team Israel for the tournament citing “safety concerns” leading the tournament to move to Serbia.

January 20, 2025

Israel conquers their next foe, Belgium. Mike Levin once again showed up in full force notching one goal and one assist. Samson Goldshtein and Adi Rigler added a goal to their tallies as well. 16-year-old Nikita Zitserman and 18-year-old Itay Kerner notched their firsts of the tournament. The team secured their second victory, 5-3.

January 22, 2025

The team takes its first loss against Serbia, 2-5. Guy Aharonovich (19) scored his first of the tournament, assisted by Samson Goldshtein and Mike Levin. Mike Levin scored his fourth of the tournament, assisted by Goldshtein.

January 23, 2025

Despite their best efforts, Israel fell 3-7 against Spain. Levin scored his fifth and sixth of the tournament, and Zitserman notched his second. 

January 25, 2025

Israel narrowly defeated Iceland with a 3-2 win. Adi Rigler scored his third of the tournament, Itay Kerner his second, and Mike Levin his seventh. Serbia beat Spain, securing Silver for Israel. 

The women’s U20 tournament will commence February 12th.

Marni Stern is a BBG from Westlake Village, California and can identify almost every player in the NHL

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