My Experience on IC Press Corps!

April 18, 2023
Harper Cohen

Denver, Colorado, United States

Class of 2025

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Being in the Press Corps this past BBYO year has allowed me to have some unique opportunities that I wouldnā€™t usually be able to have. This past year was my first IC, and I was looking for ways to become more involved without steering; which led me to IC Press Corps, specifically the journalism team.

For IC Press Corps, there were a couple different ā€œteamsā€ you could pick from, much like regular Press Corps. I have always loved writing, so I chose the journalism team. IC Press Corps required me to write at least two articles, either before, during, or after international convention. I chose to write one before and one during, about how to prepare for IC and how best to capture the small moments during convention. 

My first article was about how to prepare for your first IC. However, I had never actually been to IC, so I had to do a bit of research. I talked to older members, read past articles, and consulted with BBYO to craft the best and most helpful list possible. I also made sure to put in advice Iā€™d want to hear. 

My second article was about taking in the little moments during convention. I had heard so much about how hectic international conventions could be, so I wanted to write about how you could take in the small moments. This article was a little bit different then my other one, as it was more subjective than research based. This allowed me to really hone in on my own experiences, which caused me to appreciate them more in the long run.

Having to write an article about taking in the little things meant I had to really tune into the specific moments of convention, which helped me enjoy every single second. In addition, writing about how to prepare for convention helped to put some of my own doubts at ease. IC Press Corps gave me the opportunity to explore and grow at IC, well also helping to prepare me for the best weekend ever. Writing these two articles was such a unique experience, and both were so different from each other. 

I also got to hang out in the Press Corps lounge, which was an incredibly cool space where I was able to meet other members from around the world whose articles I had read. It allowed me to get to know people I wouldā€™ve never otherwise met. It was also just a cool place to hang out in, and I also got to know some of the BBYO staff better, especially Heather.

Even though it got a bit stressful, IC Press Corps was an amazing experience that I would 100% do again. Being in the IC Press Corps helped me feel even more connected with our orderā€™s biggest gathering. It allowed me to get more involved at IC, make connections, helped me prepare and enjoy the little moments, and overall enriched my experience in an invaluable way. I plan on doing it again next year, and the year after that, and I hope to keep make #PressCorpsWins!

Harper Cohen is a BBG from B'yachad BBG #252, living in Denver, Colorado and she is a twin.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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