My Top 5 Favorite Parts of ILTC

August 27, 2024
Abby Fisher

Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Class of 2026

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This summer I had the most amazing opportunity to attend the International Leadership Training Conference at BBYO’s Perlman camp. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life, and let me tell you why. 

1. The People 

I went to ILTC only knowing people from my region because I had never attended a summer program before. I thought that having this "disadvantage" would set me back and prevent me from making new friends, but I found this to be completely wrong. I never would have imagined that I would become so close to one single group of girls in just three weeks. We shared so many memories and bonded on such a deep level. Even though my best friends now live all across the country, I am so thankful to have met people like them, and I can't wait for our reunion at IC in Denver.

2. The Leadership 

I knew going into ILTC that it would be heavily leadership-based, and I truly couldn’t be more grateful to have learned such amazing leadership skills, tips, and tricks that I can bring back to my chapter and region. From Yesod's to How-To's, I had so many opportunities to get all of my questions answered and learn new ideas to take home.

3. The Weather 

Coming from the desert, Pennsylvania's weather was a big change for me. However, I loved being in the middle of the woods, where it was much cooler than at home. It rained only a little, but when it did, it wasn’t too bad, and it was always enjoyable to spend time outside.

4. Blueprint 

We had blueprint sessions almost every day, and in each session, I learned more and more to bring home. My favorite part of blueprint was being surrounded by other young Jewish teen leaders from so many different communities with so many different ideas. We were all able to share what we do in our regions and bounce new ideas off each other.

5. Shabbat 

Every Shabbat at Perlman was so special. From getting ready to taking pictures around the tree, attending services, and even enjoying the cake :)—Shabbat was truly one of my favorite parts. It was so meaningful to be able to spend Shabbat with my friends in such a special place, and as I mentioned before, I can’t wait to spend Shabbat with everyone again in February at IC.

Abby is a BBG from Mountain Region and loves Harry Styles.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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