Opening a New Horizon

February 15, 2025
Daniel Moses

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Class of 2027

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Opening ceremonies, from the IC band’s music to Andy Grammar's closing concert Opening Ceremonies, really started IC off with a Bang. Entering the MainStage was breathtaking, with all of the regions showing off their pride and the IC band getting everyone ready for the weekend that was to come. The ceremony started with Dan and Joelle giving the opening remarks and then passing the mic to Jake and Mercedes. The Ugandan Rabbi had the support of everyone in the crowd as BBYO Uganda was unable to make it. Then, we did a tribute to the Nova festival with a video remark from Isaac Herzog. Then, an iconic role call took place where all of the regional presidents ran across the stage. Finally, the night ended with Andy Grammar and his feel-good anthems. This is just the beginning of the best weekend of the year.

Daniel Moses an Aleph from Atlanta, Georgia, and is called a dictionary by some of his friends because of his knowledge.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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