What It’s Really Like Being in a BBYO Chapter

January 29, 2024
Abby Fisher

Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Class of 2026

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When I first joined BBYO in August of 2022, I would have never even imagined that I would be this involved in the organization. Joining Frankfurter BBYO has allowed me to do so many new and amazing things such as run for chapter board positions and meet some incredible people. The biggest thing that I have learned being in a BBYO chapter in an area surrounded by BBG and AZA chapters is how to accommodate both BBGs and Alephs in one setting.

When I first joined BBYO, I joined a BBG chapter. I learned so many traditions and made countless amounts of friends. Even though it was fun, I began to get very overwhelmed. I started distancing myself from BBYO for a while, until eventually, I heard about an old, folded AZA chapter, being revived into a BBYO chapter in Mountain Region. At first, I thought the idea of an AZA and BBG chapter was weird. I thought it would be almost embarrassing if I joined. 

Eventually, I gave it a try, because I didn’t want to end my BBYO journey just yet. When I got to that first program on Monday night, I didn’t like it. There weren’t very many members there, and it just didn’t seem fun to me. I still wasn’t ready to give up, so I kept going every Monday night. Eventually, our programs started to get bigger and bigger with more members each time. Soon, I realized that BBYO was something that I really wanted to get involved in. 

I took a leap of faith and ran for my first-ever board position in May, and I won. Being Morah in a BBYO chapter allowed me to connect with both BBGs and Alephs and truly see how everyone views BBYO. I felt like a role model to everyone in the room. Now, being S’ganit this term, I am gaining an understanding of how to plan programs that both BBGs and Alephs will enjoy, which gives me a new perspective on certain things. I have realized that I need to take into account that not everyone finds the same programs fun and entertaining. 

Nevertheless, I couldn’t be more thankful to be in a BBYO chapter. Frankfurter BBYO has allowed me to take on leadership roles that I never thought I would be doing. Because of this, I have learned just how much I love BBYO. I strive to become more involved regionally and internationally, and I can’t wait to see my chapter grow!

Abby is a BBG from Mountain Region and loves Harry Styles.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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