In a time filled with endless anxiety and social isolation, it is easy for us to feel down and have the desire to just keep to ourselves. With so much time spent inside our bedroom doors waiting until this nuisance of a virus exits our world, I understand that there is a lot to take in.
I know times are tough for us right now, and even tougher for others. We cannot see our friends, go to a nice restaurant, or simply live the normal life we have become so accustomed to. We cannot even go to school, a place that has caused us so much stress and despair in the past, but is now one of the places we are craving to see the most. We only see the same old inside walls of our house. We are stuck with our families who although might be great at first, become obnoxious shortly after spending just a few of the endless days with them.
However, we must look for the silver lining during this tough time, as most things happen for a good reason. We were given countless hours at home, meaning time to accomplish all of those tasks that you have been needing to check off your list, but have been too busy to do so due to constant school work. Learn an instrument, become a pro chef, tan in the sun, or even just ride your bike and get some fresh air. Once you are done binge-watching Netflix, this is also a good time for productivity: study for the SAT’s, AP exams, or even read. Most importantly, we all live such busy lives that we never have time to stop and appreciate the people around us. Spend time with family, or FaceTime with a friend who you have not recently spoken to. Although we must social distance, social distancing does not mean social isolation.
I hope whenever COVID-19 is over, we all learn something from it. We must appreciate every interaction we have with friends, teachers, and strangers. We cannot take for granted our education, and we must value little things, like simply being able to leave your house.
Gabi Mitchell is a BBG from North Texas Oklahoma and has four siblings.
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.