Thank You BBYO

May 30, 2024
Maya Stone

New York, New York, United States

Class of 2024

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As a Freshman coming into BBYO, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn’t realize there was a whole world outside of the chapter. I started going to chapter events and regional events but the one limitation was COVID. Everything was online…I wondered what it was going to be like when we could finally have in-person events. Then we had our first one, big/little. I was so excited!! A way to get to meet new people, I immediately connected with my big and the other littles who were in the “family.” When we had the reveal, It was so nice to see that my big also went to my high school and was a friendly face to show me the ropes.

I wanted to be that same role model for younger girls similar to the girls who were my role models. By the end of my freshman year, I decided I wanted to run for a board position, and I ran for Mazkirah but lost and dropped down to Katvanit. This introduced me to the Maz Network which introduced me to so many new people. Having a leadership position also allowed me to see the behind-the-scenes work that a lot of members don’t really get to experience. 

Along with being in this network, I also decided to join the Press Corps which was definitely one of the best decisions during my time in BBYO. My favorite was getting to report and write during IC, it was so cool to get a topic and follow the story on the spot. 

I also got to experience CLTC coming out of my Freshman year, this also gave prep work to different positions throughout the chapter while spending the best 12 days with people from around the order. CLTC was one of those experiences in which it was all I talked about for months and promoted it to anyone I could. 

As I moved through high school, I became busier and busier with extracurriculars in high school. I won’t lie, it got so much harder to attend things but I needed to try and stay as active as I possibly could. I loved getting to see international friends at IC whom I met at CLTC and soon would be friends from ILSI. ILSI was an experience that re-lit that BBYO flame. With a busy schedule, I started to lose motivation in everything I did, including events. I was struggling in school and facing burnout from being spread too thin. Traveling to Israel helped me remember why I loved BBYO and that it was a second family to me. 

BBYO has taught me so much and given me lifelong friends. It was an incredible four years in which I will never forget. 

Submitted with undying love and devotion for all BBGs, Press Corps, NSR #19, my heart and home. I forever and always remain, Maya Jill Stone.

Maya Stone is BBG living in New York and loves to read.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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