I look back to 2017 and know I made a good choice when I decided to attend another program that next Friday. It was a new place and I was a shy new girl, one of the youngest members of BBYO Argentina, who came every now and then.
Now, I can't imagine what my life would have been like without BBYO.
In 2018, I finally understood the power of this Movement after traveling to Orlando in February for BBYO International Convention. I suddenly felt motivated and found myself excited, looking forward for each week to end so that it would be Friday. Friday meant chapter meetings, friends, fun, and connection. But these meetings were only the beginning of my journey.
2019 came and when I got home from Denver in February, I told myself that was going to be the year in which I would step out of my comfort zone. I got elected as my chapter's Aym HaChaverot and gained a new insight of everything BBYO had to offer, as well as new skills and tools that would be useful in every aspect of my life. In July, an unexpected opportunity was offered to me. "Did I just say yes?" was what I asked myself immediately after hanging up the phone upon being invited to International August Executives Conferenceāan annual gathering of BBYO's top leadership from every community.
August Execs opened my eyes to the potential of BBYO in my community and around the world. As soon as I returned home, I knew I would run to serve as chapter N'siah in 2020.
BBYO Argentina started the year strong after the International Convention 2020 in Dallas, but we all know the world changed tremendously in March. Quarantine began and the board elections took place in May. I got elected as my chapter's N'siah and with the excitement and the happiness came the uncertainty of having to change the whole dynamic and turn everything virtual.
This year has certainly been a challenge, but that doesn't change the fact that it has been a wonderful year, full of new projects, new people, new connections and new goals.
Ligdol #5044 started this year around 7 members. Today, we are a strong chapter with 30 jewish teens, most of whom are 9th graders. I couldn't be more proud of what we, meaning me and the other board members, who I'd rather call friends, achieved during these past six months. From breaking the membership goal to hosting the first chapter training in Argentina and a virtual chapter camp, to having 9th graders spread out across different committees in the International Leadership Network, and so much more.
As my term comes to an end, as well as my time in BBYO, my only wish for my chapter is for the amazing and empowered teens that are a part of Ligdol #5044 to keep it growing, not only in terms of membership to ensure our future, but also in terms of spirit within the community.
With that being saidā¦
I forever remain,
Solana Wainstein, a proud four-year member of BBYO
Solana Wainstein is a BBG from BBYO: Argentina and loves taking pictures.
All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.