The Impact of A Role Model

January 3, 2024
Sarah Colton

Long Island, New York, USA

Class of 2025

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We have 2,103,840 minutes (4 years) in BBYO to get the most out of the organization. Over the past three years, the more events I attend and the people I interact with, my chapter has become the place. The place where everyone is connected as a family. The place where there’s a room full of teenagers from all different schools dying of laughter at a meal together. The place where everyone has a role model (or a ride, thank you amazing seniors!!) and everyone has little siblings. Each chapter has layers. At the bottom is 8th grade and then each grade is another layer. As people graduate the layers of older siblings start to go away. Once you get to the top, you are a role model and the oldest. You are everyone’s big sibling, ride home, and your BBYO journey will soon come to an end. At the end of this cycle, your legacy will be passed on to someone younger than you, for them to use your time as inspiration for how they should use their time in BBYO.

BBYO can easily become all about board positions and social drama if you let it. But, that would just be taking away minutes you can impact a member in your chapter. With such limited time, why waste it on things that won’t have value in four years? You can place your time in making bonds you’ll have for the rest of your life. Here are some ways to impact the people who make your heart and home a family:

  1. Reach out to a new member and offer them a ride to the next event

Whether you can drive or your junior and senior friends can, arrange a carpool. The time in the car allows new members to go into the event already knowing people and it is a great time for bonding. It also can help create a big/little friendship with new members. 

      2. Send a text message reaching out.

When I first joined BBYO, my N’siah, and Aym Ha reached out to me welcoming me into the chapter. This was very beneficial because then, I knew two people in the chapter and it made me feel comfortable. Reaching out throughout the year, especially during AP/IB exams, midterms, finals, and holidays can help create bonds with members throughout your chapter. 

       3. Set up a date to meet up for ice cream, coffee, lunch, etc. 

Who doesn’t love food? Meeting a member for a meal leaves plenty of time for catching up and getting to know one another. A great event idea would be to have a Senior and MIT/AIT meal where the oldest members meet the youngest members and can pass on tips for school, BBYO, or life advice. 

      4. Wave to members from your chapter at school in the hallways. 

Something as simple as a smile or wave can brighten someone’s day. You should absolutely do this if you see members from your chapter at school. It also is good for 8th and 9th graders to know someone when starting high school as it’s a huge adjustment. 

Sarah Colton is a BBG living on Long Island, New York, and the town she is from was voted "Best Tasting Water" in New York State.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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