The International Life Pages of the 99th Grand Board of AZA and the 79th International Board of BBG

July 25, 2024

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BBYO is incredibly grateful and thankful to the outgoing Grand and International Boards for leading our Movement during the 2023-24 programming year. Life Ceremonies are a special tradition in BBYO that allow seniors to share their memories, wisdom, advice, and thanks with current members in BBYO. Explore this year's International Board Life Speeches to get a glimpse into their BBYO experience. We will miss you 99/79!

The 99th Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph

The International Life of Jordan Feldman, 99th Grand Aleph S'gan

The International Life of Zach Price, 33rd Grand Aleph Moreh

The International Life of Rex Popick, 99th Grand Aleph Mazkir

The International Life of Ilan Mops, 6th Grand Aleph Gizbor

The 78th International Board of the B'nai B'rith Girls

The International Life of Courtney Saxe, 79th Anita M. Perlman International N'siah

The International Life of Sydney Shanker, 79th International S'ganit

The International Life of Joelle Abaew, 32nd International Aym Ha'Chaverot

The International Life of Mercedes Benzaquen, 35th International Sh'licha

The International Life of Sophie Goodman, 6th International Gizborit

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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