The Magic of International Convention

November 15, 2022
Bennett Samberg

Newtown, CT, United States

Class of 2023

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As of today, IC 2023 in Dallas is nearly sold out with less than one hundred spots left. Jewish teens from all over the world have jumped at this year's amazing opportunity to bond, learn, connect, and grow with other Jewish teens at our annual four day convention. 

Thatā€™s cool and all, but what is it really like to be at IC? I remember my first IC three years ago, the last time it was in Dallas. I had seen many other Jewish teens at my own regional conventions, but the level of people at IC was astounding! And Iā€™m excited because it seems like this yearā€™s IC will have even more teens! Upon seeing so many other Jewish teens, I instantly felt like I belonged in BBYO and that I had my own community that I could go to whenever I needed them. Itā€™s one of the formative moments that has kept me in love with BBYO and kept me coming to events continuously since eighth grade. 

After this initial wowing, the amazing experiences didnā€™t stop there. I spent the next four days baking challah, making dreamcatchers, learning how to square dance, raving at an awesome concert performed by some of ICā€™s musical guests, and participating in many more spectacular activities, all while making friends from Argentina, Mexico, Australia, Norway, England, and so many other places. 

I had an awesome time at IC then, and at every IC since. I canā€™t wait for IC this year as a senior and to have a final sendoff of my BBYO journey, as well as watch othersā€™ journeys that have just begun.

Bennett Samberg is an Aleph from Newtown, Conneticut, and he likes to knit.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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