Top 10 Reasons to Recruit a New Member this Year

March 9, 2020
Hannah Cantor

Denver, Colorado, United States

Class of 2022

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We all love new members! They are what keeps this amazing organization running when you graduate. Here are my top 10 reasons as to why you should recruit this year! 

1. Grow your chapter, region, and the international order

By recruiting 1, 5, or 25 new members, you are making an impact. You are inviting the next generation of leaders to lead our movement when you graduate. You’re not only expanding your chapter and region but the international order as a whole. 

2. Meet new people

When you recruit someone new, you get a new friend! And we all love more friends! Meeting new people allows you to make new bonds and grow as a person!

3. Share the fun and love of BBYO

Somebody once recruited you; they wanted to share what they loved about BBYO with you. Now it’s your turn! 

4. Build a larger community

Whether you are recruiting someone who lives 2 minutes away or over 30 hours apart. You are building our Jewish Community. And showing everyone around you that we are here, and we are here to stay. 

5. Find a mini you

Think about that older member who inspired you and who paved the way. Whether they are still apart of this organization or not, it is truly a fantastic feeling to inspire someone else just like that someone inspired you. I always talk to the person who inspired me even though she is now in college. Find a new member and build the same connection with! 

6. Be able to say “I recruited them” when they do something BIG

The limits in BBYO are endless. The odds are someone you know is going to do something amazing. What’s even better is that the person you recruited could be making incredible changes in their chapter or region. Just think, you were the one that encouraged them first to join and lit their BBYO flame! 

7. Inspire someone else

The person you recruited will most likely look up to you. (This is a good thing!) Imagine if you are graduating, and you receive a text from someone who you recruited with the words “you inspired me. I’m going to miss you so much” (I have sent this text before). You will feel like you impacted them and made a difference in their journey!

8. Put your top-notch MRIHA skills to use

We are all somewhat aware of the term MRIHA. Meet Record Invite Host Ask! No matter if you learned this at CLTC, Perlman, or in your home community, show us what you know and go out and recruit some new members. 

9. Show them that there is more to Judaism beyond Hebrew school 

We all either love or strongly disliked religious schools. Something fantastic about BBYO is that we come together and embrace our Judaism. We get the opportunity to learn in unconventional ways and show others that there is so much to learn beyond the classroom. 

10. Just like the Summer program campaign, replace yourself! 

We all know of the summer program replace yourself campaign that just ended. But what is getting started is the recruitment season! Replace yourself by recruiting a new member!

You must love BBYO if you read all of this! So go out there, show the international order what you got, and recruit a new member!! 

Hannah is a BBG from Celeste Sobol BBG #1210 in the Rocky Mountain Region and she is her high school Feature Twirler.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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