Top Five Moments of My First-Ever IC

February 24, 2025
Molly Borkon

Roslyn, New York, United States

Class of 2027

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What a crazy weekend! My first IC surpassed any expectations I’d had and left me with a lifetime of memories. It truly has been hard to pick out only five top moments of IC, since I had the best time during every single second. It’s going to be pretty tricky to narrow this down, but here’s the best of the best:

1. Concert

The block party/concert was definitely a highlight of my trip! I had so much fun hanging out with with BBGs and Alephs from around the world, all dancing together during the concert. There were also stands at the block party with delicious food and fun goodies. Swae Lee and Galantis performed and everyone loved dancing to their amazing music!

Me and my friends at the concert!

2. Sightseeing

Another highlight for me would have to be my sightseeing activity! I went to the Denver Zoo and Aquarium with lots of my friends, and we had a blast. We started out at the aquarium where we got to see tons of cool fish, and some people even got their faces painted. I took some great pictures in a photo booth with my friends, which will serve as such a great memory of my amazing time there. Then, we headed over to the zoo where we had lunch and got to observe some pretty cool animals, like hippos and wallabies!

Having fun at the aquarium!

3. LEADS Day Track

For my LEADS Day Track, I went to the Redline Contemporary Art Museum, which was so cool to see all of the unique and beautiful artwork. I made so many new friends who I definitely wouldn’t have met otherwise, and am so happy I found them. We had some time to wander the museum, and then we split into groups to design a national outfit for Israel! I got to use my creativity while having fun with my friends to create something amazing. Then, we heard from guest speakers about their experience in the business world and fashion industry, and they even gave us custom BBYO hats!

New friends from my LEADS Track!

4. Opening Ceremonies

Opening Ceremonies was a perfect way to kick off this incredible weekend! BBGs and Alefs from all over the order dressed in spirit from their region and we all gathered to start off IC! Regional leaders went on the stage all dressed up to show their spirit, Andy Grammer performed, and so much more!! This was an amazing start to the best weekend ever and I had so much fun.

Me and my friends at Opening Ceremonies!

5. Meeting celebrities!

We were given such a crazy opportunity to meet celebrities at IC! My name was randomly selected to meet Andy Grammer after the opening ceremonies, which was so cool. My friends who were selected and I went downstairs after opening ceremonies and waited in line to meet him. We felt like such VIPS!!! We got into groups to take pictures with him and I even met new friends while waiting in line. So fun!

Meeting Andy Grammer! How cool is that?!?!

Overall, IC was the most incredible experience I could have asked for. Getting to be with BBGs and Alephs from around the world was truly a life-changing experience that I feel so fortunate to have had. See you at IC in Philadelphia next year!!!

Molly Borkon is a BBG from Roslyn, NY, and she loves spending time with her friends and going to BBYO events!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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