What To Pack For A BBYO Summer Trip

June 6, 2024
Rachel Hasko

Wayzata, Minnesota, United States

Class of 2025

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When preparing to go on a BBYO Passport trip, there are definitely a few things you need that aren't on the packing list. Here is what I found most useful on my BBYO Ultimate Central Europe Israel Passport trip!

Firstly you need more than one long skirt. I think the packing list told us one to two, but we ended up wearing skirts much more than that. In Europe, we would bring our long skirts with us and put them on over our shorts to walk into Synagogues or conservative areas. We also had Shabbos with Orthodox communities where long skirts were needed. We visited the Western Wall twice and one was on Shabbat. I only brought one long skirt, so I spent the trip switching with all my friends so I wouldn't be wearing the same skirt in every picture. I would recommend 2-3 skirts, and then exchange them throughout the trip with the new friends you will be making. 

It's important to have a smaller bag other than your backpack to bring with you during the day. I brought a big North Face backpack as my carry-on, but it was definitely too big to be carried around all day.  Therefore, I also brought a Camelbak water backpack and a Lululemon fanny pack. Based on what we were doing for the day, I would decide if I wanted to bring my fanny and water bottle or my water backpack. This was great because I could leave my big backpack on the bus or at the hotel, and I didn't need to worry about carrying it everywhere. Trust me, not having to carry your backpack around makes a huge difference, especially when we were walking 7 or 8 miles on some days.

I would also recommend a mini fan. Whether walking in the old city, climbing Masada, or cooling off on the bus, the mini fan is necessary. I got mine from Amazon and it was small enough to fit in my Lulu fanny pack but very effective in cooling me down quickly. Even if you are just sitting outside, it is very hot, so you will want something to keep yourself cool. When I was on my trip, we experienced a heat wave for almost the whole three weeks we were in Israel, so this literally saved me on the trip. 

Lastly, I would recommend that you use packing cubes when you're packing. You have a pretty small suitcase for five weeks, and I remember there was so much that I wanted to bring. By using packing cubes, I was able to utilize my space to the fullest, which helped me bring all the things I wanted. It also helped me to stay organized throughout the trip. Living out of a suitcase can be a big mess, so having a method of organization is crucial. Packing cubes helped keep everything together and ensured that no items were left behind at the ends of our stays.

Going on a BBYO Summer trip is an experience you will never forget. I hope that these tips will help you when packing, so you can have the best time when you get to your destination. And remember, different from going to a camp, you can always find a convenience store if you realize there is something you forgot. So while you are getting ready for your trip, try to relax and think about all the amazing things you will be doing this summer! 

Rachel Hasko is a BBG from Minnesota, and her favorite color is pink!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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