An Inside Scoop to a Michigan Exclusive

October 24, 2022
Rose Gallatin

West Bloomfield, MI, USA

Class of 2023

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AZA and BBG, Iā€™ve got something super duper cool to share! 

So Iā€™m 99.999% sure you all know about entrepreneurship, people starting their own business. Pretty cool right???! But imagine that in the International Order - I think thatā€™s pretty awesome! Wellā€¦ thatā€™s kinda a thing. At least in Michigan Region #1701!! You probably donā€™t believe me, so let me explain!

Building Entrepreneurship: a Michigan exclusive empowering BBGs and Jewish teen girls throughout Metro Detroit to jumpstart their own products. This was started in 2020 on Zoom from a generous donor, and since then, it has expanded to an annual cohort within the region with 25 Jewish girls. And just this year, weā€™ve launched a cohort of Alephs to join the fun! This is a year-long series of programs, and during each one, we have one (maybe more) entrepreneur or small business owner in our community tell us their story and give us an opportunity to explore their business. Pretty amazing, I know!

Two components of BE really stand out and if you ask anyone who has taken part in the program, I guarantee you theyā€™d agree with me on this. At this point in the article, I know youā€™re DYING to know what they areā€¦ so let me tell you!

#1: Pinspiration. Pinspiration is a DIY arts and crafts studio located in the heart of Downtown Berkley. Here, the opportunities for creation are simply ENDLESS! From splatter painting to beading and even making alcohol ink tiles, there is so much to be done here and Iā€™m certain youā€™ll never get bored. I know I could be in there for days on end, and I usually canā€™t stay in the same place for more than a few hours! So thatā€™s saying a lot coming from me. It truly is unlike anything else youā€™d experience, and I truly am grateful that something as unique as this is right in my backyard! 

2022-2023 BE teens enjoying a fun-filled evening at Pinspiration Berkley

Okay, I think youā€™ve heard enough about Pinspiration. Onto item #2!

#2: Detroit. The highlight of Building Entrepreneurship, at least in my opinion, is the infamous weekend in Detroit. During this, we get to hear from multiple entrepreneurs (not just one!) as well as take part in separates, hang in a hotel, and explore the nearby areas of Detroit. We even get to compete in a Shark Tank style competition! It really is an unforgettable experience, and it brings the group together in ways that are just indescribable. 


2021-2022 BE teens enjoying candy drinks during the weekend in Detroit

Well, there you have it! Hopefully you are inspired enough to start a business of your own (yes I will make sure to buy your product once itā€™s on the market)! Even if a program like this is not in your hometown, if you want something, you gotta just go for it! And who knows? Maybe this will be a reality throughout the entire order, not just the mitten!!!

Rose is a BBG from Michigan and she loves to sing.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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