Diagnosed and Still Fighting for the Cure

November 1, 2018
Maya Elden

Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Class of 2020

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The Mother-Daughter Breast Cancer Awareness Dinners of Ohavim BBG in Eastern Region: North Carolina Council have been a time-honored tradition for years.

Held every October, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the chapterā€™s Shā€™licha plans a dinner open to every chapter member and her mom, complete with catered food, decorations, and a guest speaker.

For this yearā€™s Mother-Daughter Breast Cancer Awareness Dinner, Sydney Zolotorofe, Ohavimā€™s current Shā€™licha, brought in special guest Katie Robbins to speak to the chapter. Katie, an alumnus of UNC-Chapel Hill, has dedicated over twenty years of her life to working in the healthcare marketing industry and public relations. For thirteen years, she has been with Charlotte Radiology. As the Marketing & Practice Relations Director and Customer Experience Officer, one of her primary responsibilities is to educate about mammography and early detections of breast cancer.


Speaking from her own experiences, she told Ohavim how the Thanksgiving of 2015 seemed as ordinary as any other - celebrating with family, food, and lots of fun. A few days after, Robbins woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, as she had dreamt that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. But her nightmare soon became a reality; that December, Robbins was diagnosed with the very disease she had spent her whole life working to prevent in others.


Katie Robbins fought and won a very aggressive battle with breast cancer in 2015 as well as the following year. She now uses her personal experiences to help patients and doctors she works with and has become a strong voice for mammography and early detection of breast cancer.

Maya Elden is a BBG from Ohavim BBG #418 in Eastern Region: North Carolina Council, has played piano for 12 years, and works at a car wash.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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