Israel 360: Kallah Edition

August 1, 2024
Allie Kahn

Austin, Texas, United States

Class of 2026

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This week at Kallah, I got the opportunity to experience Israel 360. Israel 360 is a teen-planned and executed program that is all about modeling the fun traditions and culture in Israel in an educational way. The Perlman tree and the camp square were set up with Israeli flags, stations, and so much more. We were all dressed proudly in the Israeli colors of white and blue, with smiles on our faces. The canteen was transformed into an Israeli coffee shop called Aroma, which had iced beverages and teas. There was a graffiti station where you could let your creativity take over, and a henna table to create beautiful designs. Along with the coffee, there was ice cream representing Golda and traditional pickled veggies and olives. A campfire was set up in the square, and there were mini games, blankets, and puzzles. One of the most meaningful parts was a tarp of the Western Wall, where you could leave a note that they would later bring to the real wall in Israel. In addition, the Rabbi set up a trivia station, asking us questions about Israel's geography, government, and fun facts.

After my friends and I participated in all the stations, we went to the outdoor amphitheater for the closing ceremonies. Israel 360 was put on by BBYO’s long-standing partner in Israel, Maccabi Tzair. We had the privilege of being inducted into Maccabi Tzair by reciting their pledge and receiving an official scarf. To end the night, we had an amazing fire show where they lit a grid made out of twine with BBYO and Maccabi Tzair written next to Kallah 2024. We then sang Hatikvah, arm in arm with my sisters and brothers.

The following day, BBYO brought in a panel of speakers ranging from politicians to authors to professors to speak on the current situation in Israel, Judaism, and antisemitism. We all attended two speaker sessions and then joined together for a panel at the end. I attended the session of former speechwriter and talented author Sarah Hurwitz, as well as the session of former Knesset member and Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked. Both of these women were extremely inspiring and brought passionate opinions to the conversation. Hearing their stories and being able to ask them questions was an amazing experience, and I learned a lot about them and, in turn, myself. The closing panel was engaging and very touching. There were many differing viewpoints on Israel's current war, which led to debates between the speakers. Muhammad Zoabi, an Arab Israeli, was a particularly fascinating speaker. Being at a Jewish program, it's not often that we get to hear the opinions of Arabs and non-Jews in Israel. He was extremely well-spoken and brought a fresh new perspective to the table.

I am so grateful to be able to experience all these Israeli customs and be immersed in them. It was truly a beautiful night and definitely one to remember. The speakers came from various backgrounds and all had passionately different opinions. Being at Kallah gave me the opportunity to be a part of so many new experiences and to learn about and shape my views on the world.

Allie Kahn is an BBG from Lonestar Region and loves baking and her two brothers.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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